Trinity IDP students are provided advising and services tailored to adult needs, together with full access to all of Trinity’s academic resources.

Because entering IDP students are transitioning to a new community at Trinity, we have created a comprehensive advising system.

Advising Services and Academic Resources

Designated staff members work to serve the particular needs of IDP students.

Admissions Office IDP Liaison
Gillian Ritter
Associate Director of Admissions
[email protected]

Financial Aid Staff Member
Tara Silva-Jackson
Financial Aid Counselor
[email protected]

Registrar Staff Member
Lindsay Reid
Assistant Registrar
[email protected]

Academic Advisor

Each new student is assigned a faculty adviser who will become familiar with your background from the admissions process and will help you identify the resources you need to succeed at Trinity. Your adviser will oversee your academic progress until you choose a major, when you will have an adviser from your major department.

Life on Campus

IDP students quickly discover that they belong to at least two on-campus communities—the IDP community and the broader Trinity community.

Within IDP

IDP students are a strikingly diverse group, ranging in age from their 20s to their 60s. Some are seeking to advance in their current careers, some to prepare for a career change, and still others to discover new life directions. Many students balance the demands of a family or a job (or both) with their studies. Some are recent graduates of two-year colleges, and some had their educations interrupted years ago. The IDP Association provides a voice for those in the program, and has reserved seats on the Trinity Student Government Association.

Across Trinity

IDP students have access to all that Trinity offers. IDP students enjoy taking classes with traditional-age undergraduates, where they bring perspectives and life experiences that enliven the discussion. Although they juggle their various commitments, many find it possible to participate in a student organization, work out at the Ferris Athletic Center,  catch a film at the Cinestudio, engage in community service, or bring their kids to campus to see Trinity’s athletic teams in action.​

“The people in the Student Success department are really willing to do whatever it takes to help students and to help you succeed. It really opened me up to asking for help whenever I need it. I have been really fortunate to work with Student Success – just to see how much they do to help people. Also, this makes me want to help students, as a student.”

Hanae Bouazza, IDP Student

Additional Information


Trinity College Individualized Degree Program

Gillian Ritter 300 Summit Street
Hartford, CT 06106