Frequently Asked Questions
We hope that the information below helps to answer all of your questions and concerns regarding Financial Aid assistance at Trinity College. Should you have a question that isn’t answered here, please connect with us. We look forward to working with you!

Financial Aid FAQs
Yes, Trinity College requires new and returning current students to submit the CSS Profile every year.
Incoming Early Decision 1 | November 15th |
Incoming Early Decision 2 | January 15th |
Incoming Regular Decision | January 15th |
Returning Domestic Students | February 15th |
Trinity determines your eligibility for financial aid based on calculated need. Each year we will review your family’s current income, assets, household size, number attending college, and special financial circumstances to determine your continued need for assistance. If your circumstances and costs remain unchanged your need for assistance will remain the same provided that you meet the published deadline and continue to make satisfactory academic progress toward your degree.
Federal regulations require Trinity to have a written Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy. The College’s SAP policy is outlined in the Student Handbook. It is also available online and in print upon request. Trinity’s SAP policy includes the required GPA that must be maintained in order for you to remain eligible for your financial aid.
Institutional Funds: Need-based institutional aid assistance is limited to eight semesters of enrollment at Trinity or at an approved study away program. Students who are unable to complete their degrees within eight semesters of enrollment and wish to receive an additional semester of aid must complete and submit the Institutional Aid Appeal form to the Office of Financial Aid.
Federal Funds: Federal guidelines allow for receipt of federal financial aid for up to ten semesters of enrollment. Students who are unable to complete their degrees within ten semesters of enrollment and wish to receive an additional semester of aid must complete and submit the Federal Aid Appeal form to the Office of Financial Aid.
**Aid eligibility for transfer students is prorated based on accepted transfer credits.
The most common areas of change that affect eligibility for financial aid include, but are not limited to, the following: income; assets; household size; number of dependents enrolled in a certificate or degree seeking undergraduate program; and parental marital status.
Yes. If a custodial parent remarries, federal and institutional policies require that the stepparent’s income and assets be included in determining eligibility for financial aid.
If your sibling does not attend college or is not enrolled at least half-time in a certificate or degree seeking undergraduate program, you can expect a decrease in your financial aid award.
Graduate students are considered independent for federal financial aid and, therefore, Trinity does not include graduate students when determining your eligibility for Trinity grant assistance.
Note: Siblings enrolled in combination Undergraduate/Master’s programs will be considered graduate students during the 5th year of 4/1 programs or during the 4th and 5th year of 3/2 programs.
No. If you are accepted to Trinity as a dependent student you will remain a dependent student for Trinity grant assistance until you complete your undergraduate degree. Students who meet federal independent criteria will be considered independent for federal aid only.
No, student apply online to positions that they are interested in. The College utilizes Handshake for the posting of available on campus positions.
Yes, you must notify the Office of Financial Aid whether you wish to accept or decline the types and amount of aid included in your financial aid package, including any federal loans. Additional information will be sent to all students in May with information on how to complete the required Stafford Loan Master Promissory Note and Entrance Loan Counseling for Stafford loan borrowers.
No. Some students prefer to work off campus while others choose not to work while in school. You are free to decline Federal Work-Study without any effect on the non-work-study components of your financial aid award.
Scholarships for Illinois Residents, Inc., a scholarship program for Trinity College, has been granting scholarships to Trinity students from Illinois for more than 60 years.
Learn more about the program on their site at
Trinity College is able to accept an ISFAA application only from students applying from Iran, North Korea, and Sudan, as students from these countries are unable to submit the CSS Profile. All other applicants must submit the CSS Profile if they are applying for financial aid.
Trinity College has a limited number of CSS Profile fee waivers available. Requests for fee waivers are evaluated on a case-by-case basis. To submit a request, please email us with your appeal after you submit your Common Application to Trinity College.
On occasion, students who were admitted to Trinity without institutional grant assistance inquire if they may apply for financial aid in a subsequent year. In light of the College’s commitment to continue to meet the calculated needs of students receiving institutional aid, it is unlikely that resources will be available for enrolled students not currently receiving institutional funds. Students are encouraged, however, to apply for all federal and state financial aid for which they may be eligible to receive. Enrolled students who do wish to submit a first-time application for institutional aid should meet with a financial aid administrator to discuss the application process and to review the list of required documents. All applicants must adhere to our published deadline.