Hometown: Montreal, Canada
Major: Biomedical Engineering

Shahnila MalikWhy did you join the multicultural recruitment team?

One of the main reasons I joined the Multicultural Recruitment Team (MRT) was to become a part of a big decision pertaining to high school students when deciding which college to attend. Helping create some of the biggest yield events at Trinity allows me to not only meet amazing people, but also help foster their best experience along the way. Being part of admissions has taught me how to conduct myself professionally when the time comes for panels, tours, meetings with prospective students and much more. Now that I am a senior, physically seeing the Preview Weekend or Passport to Trinity students getting admitted to the college makes me very happy, as I was a part of that last stepping stone that could have a make-or-break impact on their decision.

What is the biggest lesson you learned from your first semester on campus?

After completing my first semester at Trinity, I learned the importance of utilizing the resources given to me. Independently living in college was a big change for me, but having help offered when it came to academics, social life, mental health and plenty more made my school experience much more enjoyable. Whether it was a simple review in office hours with a professor or a resumé building session in the career center, I took advantage of the opportunities given to me. It’s highly encouraged on this campus to seek help when you need it, no matter how difficult the situation that arises may be. After being used to doing almost everything on my own during my high school years, I realize now that I would never have successfully enjoyed college if I hadn’t found the courage to just reach out!

How has a liberal arts education fostered your thinking? What class impacted you the most?

The liberal arts education allowed me to experience a wide range of interesting classes, majors and clubs throughout the years. As a first year, I had the solid intention of majoring in engineering, but what I didn’t see coming were the handful of music classes I was able to take even as a STEM major. Although my curriculum was heavy on math and science, with Trinity’s unique liberal arts education, I took classes that pertained to my hobbies and interests as well. I was able to develop skills not only focused on engineering itself, but I also developed skills that would make me stand out from the crowd, such as: music engineering, sound synthesis, public speaking and even proper writing skills which is essential to the real world. The class that has most impacted me during my college career would be Calculus 3 as it was the hardest subject I had ever encountered. The hardship that came from this course taught me that it was indeed normal to fail in order to succeed, and once I completed this class, I felt unstoppable and confident as the courses remained rigorous.

What legacy do you hope to leave?

After graduation, I want to leave the image at Trinity that anything is possible once you put your mind to it. As a female of color in STEM, I want to give hope to the underclassmen that if I was able to do it, then they can equally achieve it. I also want to showcase that having a strong work ethic is necessary, as my peers know me to always be in the library or working in the common areas around campus. I want to showcase that as long as you remain organized and keep your head in the game, you can do it all and more despite having a tough curriculum. Throughout my college years, I was able to become the president of the House of Peace (cultural organization), be a P.R.I.D.E leader to aid first year students, take part in several internships within engineering, admissions and music, and become a student worker. I hope to leave the idea that no matter what major you pursue or how hard it seems, you can dedicate time to your passions and hobbies. I’m a fashion and makeup enthusiast and I’m happy to say that these specific passions pushed me to strive harder every day. Ultimately, the sky is the limit and I hope that I was able to portray a small glimpse of it on this campus.

How has the city of Hartford impacted your college experience?

The city of Hartford has been a place where I can turn to when things get a little hectic on campus. Eating good food is a must for me and Hartford has so much variety to offer. The best aspect of it is that most restaurants are in walking distance which is perfect for when the sun is shining. I have been able to get off campus many times during the week and it has made me appreciate the world outside of Trinity much more. Additionally, during my first year I had obtained a music engineering internship in the city where I was able to meet many residents. This allowed me to be more involved in the community, especially when it came to local events and showcases. Living in a small city allows for a strong community and I have been fortunate enough to be part of both the campus and Hartford ones.

If you were an animal what kind of animal would you be?

If I were to be an animal, I would definitely be a wolf. As a person who cannot easily be tamed and who strives for her freedom at all times, I relate to this animal. For a wolf, ultimate trust is necessary and having strong bonds is important. For me, I value all my relationships strongly and I tend not to trust so easily but when I do, I give it my all. A wolf can either be a member of the team or the leader itself, making sure everyone is following the orders and remaining safe along the way. In a team setting, I am flexible in the sense that I can take on any role, even the leadership position when need be. Wolves are quiet but efficient and intelligent creatures; I tend to think I am the same.

What is your favorite event on campus?

My favorite event of the school year is definitely Spring Weekend which takes place in April. It’s a time where the entire college community comes together to celebrate the arrival of spring and just be one with each other. Having our own concert is one of the highlights of the weekend. The vibes that entire weekend are just pure joy and positivity among everyone present. The fact that we have custom-made bracelets to wear also makes it a little fancier and more personal, adding to the magic of the weekend.

Favorite Hartford memory?

My favorite Hartford moment was when I went to the movies with my friends and we had a spontaneous photoshoot beforehand, right next to the Travelers Tower in downtown Hartford. We were planning on watching a scary movie, and this outing was the first time that we had all traveled on our own to the city. Upon seeing the beautiful sunset and colors, we decided to use the free time we had to take pictures as golden hour was at its prime. This night that went from a fun photoshoot to screaming and jumping in the theatre was one of the greatest memories I have from Hartford.