Student-Faculty Collaborative Papers and Presentations
Student-Faculty Collaborative Papers and Professional Presentations in Biology (1968- present). Works listed are a subset of total faculty publications. A graduation date denotes a Trinity College undergraduate.

Published Papers
- 2022
Margaret M. Cassidy ’21, Craig W. Schneider, and Gary W. Saunders (2022). The Dasya baillouviana and D. cryptica complexes (Delesseriaceae, Rhodophyta) in Bermuda with three additional new species from the archipelago. Journal of Phycology 58: xxx–xxx.
- 2021
Daniel G. Blackburn, Madeline S. Barnes ‘20, Charlie D. Reimers ‘20, and Farahana A. Appiah ‘21, Luisa L. Lestz ‘19, D. Smith-Paredes, M. Hanson, and B.-A. Bhullar (2021). How do crocodylian embryos process yolk? Evidence from developing Alligator mississippiensis. Journal of Morphology 282: 953-958.
Amber L. Pitt, J.J. Tavano, Ellie G. Tate ‘21, Myles D. Little ‘21, and M.A. Nickerson (2021). Short-term impacts of a record-shattering flood and dam removal on a river turtle assemblage and population placed within the context of a 50 year study. Acta Oecologica 110:103699
Dunlap K.D., Haley M. Koukos’22, B.P. Chagnaud, H.H. Zakon, and A.H Bass. (2021) Vocal and electric fish: Revisiting a comparison of two teleost models in the neuroethology of social behavior. Frontiers in Neural Circuits
Bailey E. D’Antonio ’18, K. Ehlert, and Amber L. Pitt. In press. The effects of Japanese barberry on the abundance of blacklegged ticks and white-footed mice. BIOS (in press).
- 2020
Kent D. Dunlap, Margarita M. Vergara ‘20, and Josh H. Corbo ‘20. (2020) Social interaction buffers the negative effects of tail injury on brain cell proliferation in an electric fish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus. Developmental Neurobiology 80: 168-177.
- 2019
Daniel G. Blackburn, Luisa L. Lestz ‘19, Madeline S. Barnes ‘20, and Kathryn P. Powers ’17 (2019). How do embryonic turtles process yolk? Evidence from the snapping turtle, Chelydra serpentina (Chelydridae). Canadian Journal of Zoology 97: 495-501.
Kent D. Dunlap, Josh H. Corbo ’20, Margarita M. Vergara ‘20, S.M. Beston, and M.R. Walsh. (2019) Predation drives the evolution of brain cell proliferation and brain allometry in male Trinidadian killifish, Rivulus hartii. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286:20191485.
- 2018
Daniel G. Blackburn, Luisa L. Lestz ‘19, Madeline S. Barnes ‘20, Kathryn P. Powers ‘17, and Tracy Langkilde (2018). Morphological features of the yolk processing pattern in the Eastern fence lizard, Sceloporus undulatus (Phrynosomatidae). Journal of Morphology 279: 1629–1639.
Craig W. Schneider, Maura K. Griffith ‘17, Chris E. Lane, and Gary W. Saunders (2018). Notes on the marine algae of the Bermudas. 16. Two new epiphytic species of Champia (Champiaceae, Rhodymeniales), C. hasselbringii and C. insularis. Cryptogamie, Algologie 39: 431-447.
Craig W. Schneider, Bilal F. Hamzeh ‘19, Chris E. Lane and Gary W. Saunders (2018). A new species of Digenea (Rhodomelaceae, Ceramiales) based upon a molecular assessment and morphological observations of plants historically known as D. simplex in Bermuda. Phytotaxa 338(1): 90-98.
Kathy Rodogiannis ‘17, Jessica T. Duong, and Michelle L. Kovarik (2018). Microfluidic single-cell analysis of oxidative stress in Dictyostelium discoideum. Analyst 143: 3643-3650.
- 2017
Kent D. Dunlap, Geoffrey Keanne ’16, Michael Ragazzi ’16, Elise Lasky ‘17, and Vielka L. Salazar (2017). Simulated predation inhibits brain cell proliferation in weakly electric fish (Apteronotus and Brachyhypopomus). Journal of Experimental Biology 220: 2328-2334.
Daniel G. Blackburn, Kristie E. Anderson ‘08, Kera W. Aronson ‘98, Mary K. Burket ‘99, Jessica F. Chin ‘12, Susan K. San-Francisco, and Ian P. Callard (2017a). Placentation in watersnakes I: Placental histology and development in North American Nerodia (Colubridae: Natricinae). Journal of Morphology 278: 665-674.
Daniel G. Blackburn, Kristie E. Anderson ‘08, Amy R. Lo ‘03, Emily C. Marquez, and Ian P. Callard (2017b). Placentation in watersnakes. II. Placental ultrastructure in Nerodia erythrogaster (Colubridae: Natricinae). Journal of Morphology 278: 675-688.
Daniel G. Blackburn, Luana Paulesu, Anna Maria Avanzati, and Mandy Roth ’93 (2017c). History of reptile placentology. Part III: Ercole Giacomini’s 1891 histological monograph on lizard placentation. Placenta 60: 93-99.
Kathryn G. Powers ‘17 and Daniel G. Blackburn (2017a). Morphological specializations of the yolk sac for yolk processing in embryonic corn snakes (Pantherophis guttatus: Colubridae). Journal of Morphology 278: 768-779.
Kathryn G. Powers ‘17 and Daniel G. Blackburn (2017b). A novel pattern of yolk processing in developing snake eggs (Colubridae: Lampropeltini) and its functional and evolutionary implications. Journal of Experimental Zoology B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution 328B: 462–475.
Scott R. Smedley, Riley G. Risteen ‘17, Kathareeya K. Tonyai ‘17, Julia C. Pitino ‘17, Yunming Hu, Zenab B. Ahmed, Brian T. Christofel, Maha Gaber, Nicole R. Howells, Connor F. Mosey, Faizan U. Rahim, Stephen T. Deyrup (2017). Bufadienolides (lucibufagins) from an ecologically aberrant firefly (Ellychnia corrusca). Chemoecology 27: 141-153.
S.T. Deyrup, Riley G. Risteen ‘17, Kathareeya K. Tonyai ‘17, Madalyn A. Farrar ‘19, Bailey E. D’Antonio ‘18, Zenab B. Ahmed, Brian T. Christofel, Nicole R. Howells, and Scott R. Smedley (2017). Escape into winter: does a phenological shift by Ellychnia corrusca (Winter firefly) shield it from a specialist predator (Photuris)? Northeastern Naturalist 24 (sp7): B147-B166.
Craig W. Schneider, Phong K. Quach ’17 and Christopher E. Lane (2017). A case for true morphological crypsis: Pacific Dasya anastomosans and Atlantic D. cryptica sp. nov. (Dasyaceae, Rhodophyta). Phycologia 56: 359-368.
Maura K. Griffith ‘17, Craig W. Schneider, Daniel I. Wolf, Gary W. Saunders and Chris E. Lane (2017). Genetic barcoding resolves the historically known Champia parvula from southern New England, USA, as C. farlowii sp. nov. (Champiaceae, Rhodymeniales). Phytotaxa 302(1): 77-89.
- 2016
Kent D. Dunlap, Alex Tran, Michael A. Ragazzi ‘16, Rudiger Krahe, and Vielka L. Salazar (2016). Predators inhibit brain cell proliferation in natural populations of electric fish, Brachyhypopomus occidentalis Proceedings of the Royal Society B 283: 20152113.
Young K. Kim ‘17 and Daniel G. Blackburn (2016). Fetal membrane ultrastructure and development in the oviparous milksnake Lampropeltis triangulum (Colubridae), with reference to function and evolution in snakes. Journal of Experimental Zoology B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution 326: 290-302.
Savvas J. Constantinou ‘12, Ryan M. Pace, A.J. Stangl, Lisa M. Nagy, and Terri A. Williams (2016). Wnt repertoire and developmental expression patterns in the crustacean Thamnocephalus platyurus Evolution and Development 18 (5-6): 324-341.
Joan L. Morrison, IsabelG.W. Gottlieb ’09 and Kyle E. Pias ’07 (2016). Spatial distribution and the value of green spaces for urban red-tailed hawks. Urban Ecosystems 19: 1373-1388.
Joan L. Morrison and Jason M. Baird ’14 (2016). Using banding and encounter data to investigate movements of Red-tailed Hawks in the Northeast. Journal of Raptor Research 50: 1-15.
Craig W. Schneider, Thea R. Popolizio, Dylan S. Spagnuolo ’17 and Christopher E. Lane (2016). Notes on the marine algae of the Bermudas. 15. Dichotomaria huismanii (Galaxauraceae, Rhodophyta), a new species in the D. marginata complex from the western Atlantic. Botanica Marina 59: 13-29.
- 2015
Young K. Kim ‘17 and Daniel G. Blackburn (2015). Ultrastructure of the fetal membranes of the oviparous kingsnake, Lampropeltis getula (Colubridae) as revealed by scanning electron microscopy. Journal of Morphology 276: 1467-1481.
Ayaki Nakamoto, Susan D Hester, Savvas J. Constantinou ‘12, William G. Blaine ‘15, Austin B. Tewksbury ‘13, Miriam T. Matei, Lisa M. Nagy, Terri A. Williams. (2015). Changing cell behaviours during beetle embryogenesis correlates with slowing of segmentation. Nature Communications Apr 10;6: 6635.
Kent D. Dunlap. and Michael A. Ragazzi ‘16 (2015) Temperature acclimation and thyroxine treatment modify electric organ discharge frequency in an electric fish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus. Physiology and Behavior 151: 64-71.
Craig W. Schneider, Elisabeth N. Cianciola ‘10, Thea R. Popolizio, Dylan S. Spagnuolo ’17 and Christopher E. Lane (2015). A molecular-assisted alpha taxonomic study of the genus Centroceras (Ceramiaceae, Rhodophyta) in Bermuda reveals two novel species. Algae 30: 15-33
Nikolaus E. Schultz ‘14, Christopher E. Lane, Line Le Gall, Delphine Gey, Anna R. Bigney, Bruno de Reviers, Florence Rousseau and Craig W. Schneider (2015). A barcode analysis of the genus Lobophora (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) in the western Atlantic Ocean with four novel species and a clarification of the generitype L. variegata. European Journal of Phycology 50: 481-500.
W.H. Pope, Young K. Kim ’17 et al. (2015). Whole genome comparison of a large collection of Mycobacteriophages reveal continuum of bacteriophage genetic diversity. eLife, 4.
- 2014
Stephen T. Deyrup, Laura E. Eckman ‘09, Ellie E. Lucadamo ‘12, Patrick H. McCarthy ‘09, Jacqueline C. Knapp ‘10, and Scott R. Smedley. (2014). Antipredator activity and endogenous biosynthesis of defensive secretion in larval and pupal Delphastus catalinae (Horn) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Chemoecology 24:145-157.
- 2013
Thea R. Popolizio, Craig W. Schneider, Tayoot Chengsupanimit ‘13, Gary W. Saunders and Christopher E. Lane (2013). Notes on the marine algae of the Bermudas. 13. Helminthocladia kempii sp. nov. (Nemaliales, Liagoraceae) based upon H. calvadosii sensu auct. from the western Atlantic. Cryptogamie, Algologie 34: 229-244.
Kent D. Dunlap. Michael Chung ‘11 and James F. Castellano ’05 (2013). Influence of long-term social interactions on chirping behavior, steroid levels and neurogenesis in electric fish. Journal of Experimental Biology 216: 2434-2441.
- 2012
Kent D. Dunlap and Michael Chung ‘11 (2012) Social novelty enhances brain cell proliferation, cell survival and chirp production in an electric fish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus. Developmental Neurobiology 73: 324-32.
- 2011
Kristie E. Anderson ’10, Daniel G. Blackburn, and Kent D. Dunlap (2011). Scanning EM of the placental interface in the mountain spiny lizard, Sceloporus jarrovi. Journal of Morphology 272: 465- 484.
Kent D. Dunlap, Denisa Jashari ’10, and Kristina M. Pappas ‘10 (2011) Glucocorticoid receptor blockade inhibits brain cell addition and aggressive signaling in electric fish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus. Hormones and Behavior 60: 275-83.
Kent D. Dunlap, A. C. Silva and Michael Chung ‘11 (2011) Environmental complexity, seasonality and brain cell proliferation in weakly electric fish, Brachyhypopomus gauderio. Journal of Experimental Biology 214: 794-805.
Stephen T. Deyrup, Laura E. Eckman ‘09, Patrick H. McCarthy ‘09, Scott R. Smedley, Jerrold Meinwald, and Frank C. Schroeder (2011). 2D NMR spectroscopic screening reveals polyketides in ladybugs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 108:9753-9758.
Craig W. Schneider, Tayoot Chengsupanimit ’14, and Gary W. Saunders (2011). A new genus and species from the North Atlantic, Archestenogramma profundum (Phyllophoraceae, Rhodophyta), with taxonomic resolution of the orphaned Leptofauchea brasiliensis. European Journal of Phycology 46: 442-452.
Kent D. Dunlap, Ana C. Silva and Michael Chung ‘11 (2011). Environmental complexity, seasonality and brain cell proliferation in weakly electric fish, Brachyhypopomus gauderio. Journal of Experimental Biology 214:794-805.
Kristina Pappas ‘10, and Kent D. Dunlap (2011). Shocking comments: Electrocommunication in teleost fish. In: Farrell, A.P. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Fish Physiology: From genome to environment. Volume I, pp. 699-706. San Diego: Academic Press.
- 2010
Elisabeth N. Cianciola ‘10, Thea R. Popolizio, Craig W. Schneider and Christopher E. Lane (2010). Using molecular-assisted alpha taxonomy to better understand red algal biodiversity in Bermuda. Diversity 2010: 946-958.
Daniel G. Blackburn, Gregory S. Gavelis ’08, Kristie E. Anderson ’10, Amy R. Johnson ’03, and Kent D. Dunlap (2010). Placental specializations in the mountain spiny lizard Sceloporus jarrovi. Journal of Morphology 271: 1153-175.
Kent D. Dunlap, Brett DiBenedictis ‘07 and Seth Banever ’09 (2010). Chirping response of weakly electric knife fish (Apteronotus leptorhynchus) to low frequency electric signals and to heterospecific electric fish. Journal of Experimental Biology 213: 2234-2242.
- 2009
Joan L. Morrison, Kyle E. Pias ‘07, J. Cohen, and D. Catlin (2009). Environmental correlates of breeding in Florida’s Crested Caracaras. Auk 126(4):1-8.
Daniel G. Blackburn, Kristie E. Anderson ’10, Amy R. Johnson ’03, Siobhan R. Knight ’07, and Gregory S. Gavelis ’08 (2009). Histology and ultrastructure of the placental membranes of the viviparous brown snake, Storeria dekayi (Colubridae: Natricinae). Journal of Morphology 270: 1137-1154.
- 2008
Ravin Ratan ’05, D.A. Mason, B. Sinnot, D.S. Goldfarb, and Robert J. Fleming (2008). Drosophila importin alpha-1 performs paralog – specific functions essential for gametogenesis. Genetics 178: 839-850.
Siobhan M. Knight ’07 and Daniel G. Blackburn (2008). Scanning electron microscopy of the fetal membranes of an oviparous squamate, the corn snake Pituophis guttatus (Colubridae). Journal of Morphology 269: 922-934.
Kent D. Dunlap, Elizabeth McCarthy ‘07, and Denisa Jashari ’10 (2008). Electrocommunication signals alone are sufficient to increase neurogenesis in the brain of adult electric fish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus. Developmental Neurobiology 68: 68: 1420-1428.
Craig W. Schneider, Alison A. Parpal ‘08, Caitlyn Hunt ’02 and Ravin Ratan ‘05 (2008). Anoxic propagule survival in Vaucheria (Vaucheriales, Heterokontophyta) from New England riparian sediments. Rhodora 110 (2008): 217-224.
Joan L. Morrison, Kyle E. Pias ’07, Jeff Abrams ’04, Isabel G.W Gottlieb ’09. M. Deyrup, and M. McMillian (2008). Invertebrate diet of breeding and non-breeding Crested caracaras (Caracara cheriway) in Florida. Journal of Raptor Research 42: 38-47.
C.M. Reddy, J.A. Demello, and Catherine A. Carmichael ’08 et al. (2008). Determination of biodiesel blending percentages using natural abundance radiocarbon analysis: testing the accuracy of retail biodiesel blends. Environmental Science Technology 42: 2476-2482.
- 2007
Joan L. Morrison, Jeffrey L. Abrams ’04, M. Deyrup, T. Eisner, and M. McMillian (2007). Noxious menu: chemically protected insects in the diet of the crested caracara. Southeastern Naturalist 6(1):1-14.
- 2006
Joan L. Morrison and William Chapman ’06 (2006). Can urban parks provide habitat for woodpeckers? Northeastern Naturalist 12: 253-262.
Kent Dunlap, James F. Castellano ’05 and Alda Prendaj ’05 (2006). Social interaction and cortisol treatment increase cell addition and radial glia fiber density in the diencephalic periventricular zone of adult electric fish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus. Hormones and Behavior 50: 10-17.
Joan L. Morrison and Kyle E. Pias ’07 (2006). Assessing the vertebrate component of the diet of Florida’s crested caracaras (Caracara cheriway). Florida Scientist 69: 36-43.
- 2005
Allison Zanno ‘04, Nicholas Kwiatkowski ‘03, Alfin D.N. Vaz, and Hebe Guardiola – Diaz (2005). MT FdR: a ferredoxin reductase from M. tuberculosis that couples to MT CYP51. Biochimca et Biophysica Acta 1707: 157-169.
- 2004
Tung T. Trang, Vera Tannous, Y. Gu, Jessica Mosher ’02, and Robert J. Fleming (2004). The Ser+r83k mutation is a second site mutation of SerD affecting the N- terminus of serrate. Genesis 39: 42-51.
- 2003
Daniel G. Blackburn, Amy R. Johnson ’03, and Jennifer L. Petzold ’03 (2003). Histology of the extraembryonic membranes of an oviparous snake: towards a reconstruction of basal squamate patterns. Journal of Experimental Zoology 299A: 48-58.
Daniel G. Blackburn and Rachel L. Lorenz ’00 (2003). Placentation in garter snakes Part II. Transmission EM of the chorioallantoic placenta of Thamnophis radix and T. sirtalis. Journal of Morphology 256: 171-186.
Daniel G. Blackburn and Rachel L. Lorenz ’00 (2003). Placentation in garter snakes Part III. Transmission EM of the omphalallantoic placenta of Thamnophis radix and T. sirtalis. Journal of Morphology 256: 187-204.
Daniel G. Blackburn, Kera K. Weaber ’98, James R. Stewart, and Michael B. Thompson (2003). Do pregnant lizards reabsorb or abort inviable eggs? Morphological evidence from an Australian skink, Pseudemoia pagenstecheri. Journal of Morphology 256: 219-234.
Kent D. Dunlap and Jonah Larkins-Ford ’02 (2003). Production of aggressive electrocommunication signals to progressively realistic social stimuli in male Apteronotus leptorhynchus. Ethology 109: 243-258.
Kent D. Dunlap and Jonah Larkins-Ford ’02 (2003). Diversity in the structure of electrocommunication signals within a genus of electric fish, Apteronotus. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 189: 153-161.
Scott R. Smedley, Katie A. Lafleur ’02, Leah K. Gibbons ’98, Josè E. Arce ’02, Joel T. Brown ’00, and Michelle L. Lozier ’99 (2002). Glandular hairs: pupal chemical defense in a non-native ladybird beetle (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Northeastern Naturalist 9:253-266.
- 2002
Kent D. Dunlap and Lisa Oliveri ’04 (2002). Retreat site selection and social organization in captive electric fish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 188: 469-477.
Scott R. Smedley, F.C. Schroeder, D.B. Weibel, J. Meinwald, Katie A. Lafleur ’02, J.A. Renwick, R. Rutowski, and T. Eisner (2002). Mayolenes: labile defensive lipids from the glandular hairs of a caterpillar (Pieris rapae). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 99:6822-6827.
Craig W. Schneider and Daniel C. McDevit ’01 (2002). Are earthworms a possible mechanism for airborne dispersal of the alga Vaucheria? Northeastern Naturalist 9: 225-234.
Kent D. Dunlap, Patricia L. Pelczar ’00, and R. Knapp (2002). Social interactions and cortisol treatment increase the production of aggressive electrocommunication signals in male electric fish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus. Hormones and Behavior 42: 97-108.
Suma S. Magge ‘01 and Hebe Guardiola-Diaz (2002). Characterization of the mouse peroxisome proliferator – activated receptor d – gene. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 290: 230-235.
Daniel C. McDevit ’01 and Craig W. Schneider (2002). The survival of Vaucheria (Vaucheriaceae) propagules in New England riparian sediments after repeated freeze/ thaw cycles. Rhodora 104: 161-169.
- 2001
Megan E. Dunphy ’00, Daniel C. McDevit ’01, Christopher E. Lane ’99, and Craig W. Schneider (2001). The survival of Vaucheria (Vaucheriaceae) propagules in desiccated New England riparian sediments. Rhodora 103: 916-926.
Hebe M. Guardiola-Diaz, Lisa A. Foster, Darren Mushrush ’00, and Alfin Vaz (2001). Azole-antifungal binding to a novel cytochrome P450 from Mycobacterium tuberculosis: implications for treatment of tuberculosis. Biochemical Pharmacology 61:1463-1470.
Daniel G. Blackburn and Vincent A. Bernardo. ’96. Sexual dimorphism and testosterone responsiveness in hypaxial muscles of the leopard frog, Rana pipiens. Amphibia – Reptilia 19: 269-279 (1998).
Christian A. Sidor, ’94 and Daniel G. Blackburn. Effects of testosterone administration and castration on the forelimb musculature of male leopard frogs, Rana pipiens. Journal of Experimental Zoology 280: 28-37 (1998).
Melinda S. Epstein ’94 and Daniel G. Blackburn. Histology and histochemistry of androgen-stimulated nuptial pads in the leopard frog, Rana pipiens, with notes on nuptial gland evolution. Canadian Journal of Zoology 75: 472-477 (1997).
Craig W. Schneider, Meghan K. Riley ’95, and Britt M. Stockton ’93. Stability of antheridial morphology in freshwater North American Vaucheria compacta var. dulcis J. Simons (Tribophyceae, Chrysophyta) grown under different salinities. Aquatic Botany 52: 301-311 (1996).
Daniel G. Blackburn, Richard Darrell ’90, Keith Lonergan ’90, Richard Mancini ’90, and Chris A. Sidor ’94. Test of a model system: differential androgen-sensitivity of forelimb muscles of the leopard frog, Rana pipiens. Amphibia-Reptilia 16: 351-356 (1995).
J. Emmett Simmons and Richard Shapiro ’85. Treatment of the neonatal female rat with 17-a-estradiol or 17-b-estradiol: effect on [3H]-DES binding to neonatal forebrain nuclei and induction of anovulation. Neuroscience Research Communications 16: 45-52 (1995).
Laura Lynch ’92 and Daniel G. Blackburn. Effects of testosterone administration and gonadectomy on nuptial pad morphology in overwintering male leopard frogs, Rana pipiens. Amphibia-Reptilia 16: 113-121 (1994).
Craig W. Schneider, Laura A. MacDonald, ’92, James F. Cahill ’92, and Sarah W. Heminway, ’83. The marine and brackish water species of Vaucheria (Tribophyceae, Chrysophyta) from Connecticut. Rhodora 95: 97-112 (1993).
Naushaba Yekta ’91 and Daniel G. Blackburn. Sexual dimorphism in mass and protein content of the forelimb muscles of the northern leopard frog, Rana pipiens. Canadian Journal of Zoology 70: 670-674 (1992).
Robert H. Brewer and Joshua S. Feingold, ’80. The effect of temperature on the benthic stages of Cyanea (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa), and their seasonal distribution in the Niantic River estuary, Connecticut. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 152: 40-60 (1991).
Craig W. Schneider and Richard P. Reading ’84. A revision of the genus Peyssonnelia (Rhodophyta, Cryptonemiales) from North Carolina, including P. atlantica new species. Bulletin of Marine Science 40: 175-192 (1987).
Richard P. Reading ’84 and Craig W. Schneider. On the male conceptacles of two terete species of Gracilaria (Rhodophyta, Gigartinales) from North Carolina. Journal of Phycology 22: 395-398 (1986).
J. Emmett Simmons, Peter T. Bronsky ’79, and Eric J. Woodard ’81. Uptake and retention of sex steroids by the neonatal rat adrenal gland. Biology of the Neonate 41: 148-154 (1982).
Richard B. Crawford and Jonathan D. Gates ’79. Effects of a drilling fluid on the development of a teleost and an echinoderm. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 26: 207-212 (1981).
Donald B. Galbraith, Barabara L. Wolf ’78, and David R. Edelson ’81. Developmental arrest of mouse tooth germs in vitro by 6-Diazo-5-Oxonorleucine (DON). Experimental Cell Biology 49: 162-172 (1981).
Richard B. Crawford and Jonathan D. Gates ’79. Drilling fluid effects on teleost and echinoderm development. Bulletin of the Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory 20: 10-14 (1981).
Russell D. Yang ’78, Richard B. Crawford et al. Biophysical properties of a major membrane phospholipid, dielaidoylphosphatidylethanolamine, found in an Escherichia coli fatty acid auxotroph. Journal of Biological Chemistry 254: 8256-8262 (1979).
Craig W. Schneider, Mitsu M. Suyemoto ’78, and C. Yarish. An annotated checklist of Connecticut seaweeds. Connecticut State Geological and Natural History Survey, Bulletin 108: 1-20 (1979).
Richard B. Crawford and Michael G. Muto ’78. Effects of water soluble fraction from crude oils on development of sand dollar embryos. Bulletin of the Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory 17: 112-115 (1977).
Donald B. Galbraith and Alan M. Patrignani ’76. Sulfhydryl compounds in melanocytes of yellow (Ay/a), nonagouti (a/a/), and agouti (A/A) mice. Genetics 84: 587-591 (1976).
Donald B. Galbraith and Robert J. Arceci ’72. Melanocyte populations of yellow and black hair bulbs in the mouse. Journal of Heredity 65: 381-382 (1974).
J. Emmett Simmons, D. DiClementi, and George Maxted ’73. Aspects of adrenal gland function in neonatally estrogenized male mice. Journal of Experimental Zoology 186: 123-126 (1973).

Presentations at Scientific Meetings
Kathryn Russell ‘22, J. Camp, B. Goldman-Huertas, L. M. Nagy, and Terri A. Williams (2022) An analysis of the involvement of toll receptors in cell movements during the elongation of Tribolium castaneum. Northeastern Region 1 (NE-1) District TriBeta Convention, Elmira College, Elmira NY. (won second place in the poster competition)
Suzanne Carpe Elías ‘22, J. Camp, and Terri A. Williams (2022) The role of the caudal gene throughout Tribolium castaneum segmentation. Northeastern Region 1 (NE-1) District TriBeta Convention, Elmira College, Elmira NY. (won first place in the poster competition)
Jahmiyes J. Wright, H. Garcia-Verdugo, M. E. Haines, S. O’Sullivan, S. Blunk, T. Coalter, Kathyrn A. Russell ‘22, Terri A. Williams and Lisa M. Nagy (2022) I’m afraid I’ve lost my way: the role of en/iv in sequential segmentation Society for Developmental Biology, 81th Annual Meeting. Vancouver BC
Amber L. Pitt, Ellie G. Tate ‘21, Myles D. Little ‘21, J.J. Tavano, and M. Nickerson (2021). Range expansion and population increase of a generalist species facilitated by population reduction of a specialist species and habitat degradation. 19th Annual Symposium on the Conservation and Biology of Tortoises & Freshwater Turtles, Virtual Conference.
Suzanne Carpe Elías ‘22, Marissa Howlett ‘22, J. Camp, L. M. Nagy, and Terri A. Williams (2021). Regulation of the caudal gene in the segmentation clock of Tribolium castaneum. 80th Annual Meeting of the Society for Developmental Biology. online.
Hector D. Garcia-Verdugo, M. E. Haines, T. Coalter, Kathryn A. Russell ‘21, S. Karra, C. Kent, Terri A. Williams, and L.M. Nagy (2021). engrailed (and invected): Raiders of The Lost Parts. Society for Developmental Biology, 80th Annual Meeting. online.
Benjamin Goldman-Huertas, Jeffrey Sagun ‘21, Terri A. Williams, and L. M. Nagy (2020). Dynamics of transcription during germband formation and segmentation in Tribolium castaneum. Society for Developmental Biology, 79th Annual Meeting. online.
Amber L. Pitt, Ellie G. Tate ‘21, Myles D. Little ‘21, J.J. Tavano, and M. Nickerson (2019). Long-term evaluation of a river turtle community influenced by habitat degradation, harvest, and climate change. 29th International Congress for Conservation Biology, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Daniel G. Blackburn, Luisa L. Lestz ‘19, Madeline S. Barnes ‘20, Kathryn G. Powers ‘17, Farhana A. Appiah ‘21, and Laurie J. Bonneau (2019). How turtle embryos process yolk: evidence from ultrastructural analysis. 12th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology, Prague, Czech Republic.
Joe R. Ruggiero ‘19, Shane M. McLaughlin ‘19, Anna Maria Imwalle ‘20, and Amber L. Pitt (2018). Mercury accumulation in urban park streams and ponds: has urbanization changed would-be wildlife habitats into ecological traps? North American Congress for Conservation Biology, Toronto, Canada.
Luisa Lestz ‘19, Madeline Barnes ‘20, Kathryn G. Powers ‘17, Tracy Langkilde, and Daniel G. Blackburn (2018). Evolution of yolk processing in reptile embryos: evidence from the lizard Sceloporus undulatus. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, San Francisco, CA (January 2018).
Craig W. Schneider, Bilal F. Hamzeh ’19, Christopher E. Lane, and Gary W. Saunders (2018). A new species from Bermuda split from the pantropical Digenea simplex complex (Rhodomelaceae, Ceramiales). 57th Northeast Algal Symposium at University of New Haven, New Haven, CT (April 2018).
Craig W. Schneider, Maura K. Griffith ‘17, Christopher E. Lane & Gary W. Saunders (2018). Two new epiphytic species of Champia (Champiaceae, Rhodymeniales) from Bermuda and the western Atlantic. 72nd Phycological Society of America/International Society of Protistologists joint meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada (July 2018).
Scott R. Smedley, Riley G. Risteen ‘17, Kathareeya K. Tonyai ‘17, Madalyn A. Farrar ‘19, Bailey E. D’Antonio ‘18, Julia C. Pitino ‘17, Yunming Hu, Zenab B. Ahmed, Brian T. Christofel, Maha Gaber, Nicole R. Howells, Connor F. Mosey, Faizan U. Rahim, and Stephen T. Deyrup (2017). Escape into winter: does a phenological shift by a lucibufagin-containing firefly (Ellychnia corrusca) shield It from a specialist predator (Photuris)? 2017 International Firefly Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan.
Madalyn A. Farrar ’19, Young K. Kim’17, Nicole R. Howells, Maha Gaber, David A. Posner, Faizan U. Rahim, Stephen T. Deyrup, and Scott R. Smedley (2017). Fireflies as herbalists: does access to phytosterols influence the lucibufagin content of Photuris? 2017 International Firefly Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan.
Nicole Duan ’18, Savvas Constantinou, Lisa Nagy, and Terri Williams (2017) Building a segmented body: the cell dynamics of segmentation and elongation. Undergraduate Research Symposium in Biological, Chemical, Structural, and Computational Sciences. Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY.
Geoffrey Keane ’16, Michal Ragazzi ’16 and Kent D. Dunlap (2016). Simulated predation and tail amputation reduced brain cell proliferation in an electric fish, Brachyhypopomus gauderio. International Congress of Neuropathology, Montevideo, Uruguay (March 2016)
Young K. Kim ‘17 and Daniel G. Blackburn (2016). Fetal membrane morphology in oviparous lampropeltine snakes (Colubridae). International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology, Washington, DC (July 2016).
Kathryn G. Powers ‘17 and Daniel G. Blackburn (2016). A novel pattern of yolk mobilization in developing squamate reptiles. International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology, Washington, DC (July 2016).
Daniel G. Blackburn, Amy R. Johnson ‘03, Kristie E. Anderson ‘08, Emily Marquez, and Ian P. Callard (2016). Placental morphology in viviparous North American water snakes (Colubridae: Nerodia). International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology, Washington, DC (July 2016).
Maura K. Griffith ‘17, Daniel I. Wolf, Craig W. Schneider, Gary W. Saunders and Christopher E. Lane (2016). Genetic barcoding resolves the historically known Champia parvula from southern New England, USA, as C. farlowii sp. nov. (Champiaceae, Rhodymeniales). 55th Northeast Algal Symposium, Westfield State University, Westfield, MA (April 2016).
Walter M. Jongbloed ‘16, Craig W. Schneider and Christopher E. Lane (2016). New species of Wrangelia (Wrangeliaceae, Ceramiales) from Bermuda, western Atlantic Ocean. 55th Northeast Algal Symposium, Westfield State University, Westfield, MA (April 2016).
Phong K. Quach ‘17, Craig W. Schneider and Christopher E. Lane (2016). The case for true morphological crypsis: Pacific Dasya anastomosans and Atlantic D. cryptica sp. nov. (Dasyaceae, Rhodophyta), 55th Northeast Algal Symposium, Westfield State University, Westfield, MA (April 2016).
Kent D. Dunlap and Michael Ragazzi ‘15 (2015). Predation, glucocorticoids and brain cell proliferation in electric fish. Canadian Conference on Electrosensation, McGill University, Montreal, Canada (April, 2015).
Sarah Khalil ‘15 and Terri Williams (2015). Investigating notch signaling and sequential segmentation in the fairy shrimp, Thamnocephalus platyurus. Beta Beta Beta NE-1 District Convention at St. Joseph’s College, West Hartford CT (April 2015). (Awarded first place in the John C. Johnson Award for student research (in the poster category).
Shelby Labe ’16 and Lisa-Anne Foster (2015). Does gut flora change in a mouse model of autism spectrum disorders on a ketogenic diet? American Society for Microbiology meeting, New Orleans, LA (June, 2015).
C.F. Mosey, M. Gaber, Z.B. Ahmed, Riley G. Risteen ‘17, Scott R. Smedley, and Stephen T. Deyrup (2015). Chemical investigation of winter fireflies (Ellychnia corrusca) reveals lucibufagins. American Society of Pharmacognosy Annual Meeting, Copper Mountain, CO (July 2015).
Scott R. Smedley, Nicole J. Evancha ‘15, K. Marinchak, and E.K. Nisbet (2015). Viewing wildlife images through citizen science: Impact on the anxiety levels of military veterans with varying levels of PTSD. Citizen Science 2015 (inaugural conference of the Citizen Science Association), San Jose, CA (February 2015).
Nikolaus E. Schultz ‘14, Craig W. Schneider, Christopher E. Lane, Line Le Gall, Florence Rousseau and Bruno de Reviers (2014). Molecular-assisted alpha taxonomy reveals new genetic species Lobophora (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) in the tropical western Atlantic. 53rd Northeast Algal Symposium, Salve Regina University, Newport, RI (April 2014).
Daniel G. Blackburn, Laurie J. Bonneau, and Kristie E. Anderson ’08 (2014). Placental morphology in viviparous North American water snakes (Colubridae: Nerodia). Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Chattanooga, TN (August 2014).
Robert J. Fleming, K. Hori, S. Artavanis-Tsakonas and Connor McElligott ’14 (2014). Activation of notch requires extracellular juxtamembrane sequences of the serrate ligand. Gordon Research Conference: Notch Signaling in Development, Regeneration & Disease, Bates College, Lewiston, ME (July, 2014).
James Curlin ’15 and Robert J. Fleming (2014). Development of gene constructs to test the function of the Notch inhibitory region within the serrate ligand. Gordon Research Conference: Notch Signaling in Development, Regeneration & Disease, Bates College, Lewiston, ME (July, 2014).
Joan L. Morrison and Jason M. Baird ’14 (2014). Raptors on the East Coast: a shift in the timing of autumn migration. Northeast Natural History Conference. Springfield, MA (April 2012).
Joan L. Morrison, Sarah Black ‘16, Isabel G.W. Gottlieb ‘09, and Kyle E. Pias ’07. (2014). Green space within home ranges of Red-tailed Hawks in an urban environment. Northeast Natural History Conference. Springfield, MA (April, 2014).
Joan L. Morrison, Sarah Black ‘16, Isabel G.W. Gottlieb ’09 and Kyle E. Pias ’07 (2013). Green space within home ranges of red-tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis) in an urban environment. Annual meeting, Raptor Research Foundation, Bariloche, Argentina (October 2013).
Kent D. Dunlap and Michael Chung ’12 (2012a). Social novelty promotes brain cell addition and chirping in electric fish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus. Tenth International Congress of Neuroethology, College Park MD (August 2012).
Kent D. Dunlap and Michael Chung ’12 (2012b). Complex natural environments and social novelty enhance brain cell proliferation and survival in electric fish. Electric Fish Satellite Meeting, College Park, MD (August 2012).
Ellie Lucadamo ‘12, Patrick H. McCarthy ‘09, Jacqueline C. Knapp ‘10, Stephen T. Deyrup, Jerrold Meinwald, Frank C. Schroeder, and Scott R. Smedley (2012). Biosynthesis of defensive compounds in the pupal secretion of the ladybird beetle Delphastus catalinae. Entomological Society of America, Eastern Branch meeting (March 2012).
Bridget K. Tevnan ‘15, Katherine R. Sausen ‘11, Jessica M. Scordamaglia ‘10, W.L. Krinsky, and Scott R. Smedley (2012). Variation in the kitchen scrap content of residential compost piles influences their beetle communities as reflected by pitfall trapping. Entomological Society of America, Eastern Branch meeting (March 2012).
Amy K. Kivela ‘12, Craig W. Schneider, Thea R. Popolizio and Chris E. Lane (2012). A molecular-assisted alpha taxonomic study of a putative Ethelia sp. (Peyssonneliaceae, Rhodophyta) from Bermuda. 51st Northeast Algal Symposium, Schoodic Education and Research Center, Acadia National Park, ME (April 2012).
Tayoot Chengsupanimit ‘13, Craig W. Schneider, Thea R. Popolizio, T.A. Shamp and Chris. E. Lane (2012). Is Helminthocladia in the western Atlantic really the same as H. calvadosii from Europe? 51st Northeast Algal Symposium, Schoodic Education and Research Center, Acadia National Park, ME (April 2012).
Joan L. Morrison and Jason M. Baird ’14 (2012). Phenologic shift: are hawks on the east coast adapting their migratory patterns to climate change? Hawk Migration Association of North America, Greenwich, CT (October 2012).
Lorenzo Sewanan‘12 , Anson McCook ‘12, and Kent D. Dunlap (2011). Aggressive signaling of electric fish in social groups: effect of spectral content, amplitude, and electrotaxis. Gordon Conference on Neuroethology, Easton, MA (August 2011).
Scott R. Smedley, Frank C. Schroeder, Sarah E. Braun ‘06, Amy E. Schoenfeld ‘00, Catherine F. Rigoulot ‘08, and Rachel L. Currao ‘03 (2011). Hair-borne defense: anointment with tobacco metabolites protects a caterpillar from predation. (Invited symposium presentation) Entomological Society of America annual meeting, Reno, NV (November 2011).
Thea R. Popolizio, Chris E. Lane, Craig W. Schneider, and Daniel C. McDevit ‘01 (2011). Molecular tools expose misidentified and novel taxa among Bermudian Rhodophyta. 50th Northeast Algal Symposium, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA (2011).
Robert J. Fleming, K. Hori, A. Sen, R. Obar, S. Artavanis-Tsakonas and Gina Filloramo ’10 (2011). Specific extracellular EGF-like repeats within serrate form a Notch inhibitory region. 52nd Annual Drosophila Research Conference, San Diego, CA (March 2011).
Joan L. Morrison and Jason M. Baird ’14 (2011). Analysis of banding and recovery data for red-tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis) in the northeastern U.S. Raptor Research Foundation, Duluth, MN (September 2011).
Gina V. Filloramo ’10 and Craig W. Schneider (2010). A morphological analysis of Gayliella transversalis (Ceramiaceae, Rhodophyta) from its type locality in Bermuda, western Atlantic, 49th Northeast Algal Symposium, Roger Williams University, Bristol, RI (2010).
Elizabeth N. Cianciola ‘10, Thea R. Popolizio, Chris E. Lane and Craig W. Schneider (2010). Molecular-assisted alpha taxonomy of the ‘Centroceras clavulatum complex’ (Ceramiales, Ceramiaceae) in Bermuda, western Atlantic. 49th Northeast Algal Symposium, Roger Williams University, Bristol, RI (April 2010). [ENC’s oral presentation won the NEAS President’s Award for the outstanding undergraduate student paper or poster for the meeting]
Kristie E. Anderson ‘10, Daniel G. Blackburn, and Kent D. Dunlap (2009). Scanning EM of the placental membranes in the viviparous lizard Sceloporus jarrovi. Society of Comparative and Integrative Biology, Boston, MA (January 2009). SICB Abstracts, p. 2.112.
Brett DiBenedictis ’07 and Kent D. Dunlap (2008). Low frequency electric signals: possible role in intraspecific and interspecific electrocommunication. Gordon Conference on Neuroethology, Oxford, England (August 2008).
Joan L. Morrison, Isabel G.W. Gottlieb ’09, Frances M.L. Thomas ’09, Connor Wells ’09, and Kyle E. Pias ’07 (2008). Ecology of an urban red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) population. Annual meeting, Raptor Research Foundation, Missoula, MT (September 2008).
Daniel G. Blackburn, Kristie E. Anderson ‘10, Siobhan R. Knight ‘07, Amy R. Johnson ‘03, and Gregory S. Gavelis ’08 (2008). Functional morphology of the placentae in the viviparous thamnophine snake Storeria dekayi. Sixth World Congress of Herpetology, Manaus, Brazil (August 2008).
Gregory S. Gavelis ‘08, Daniel G. Blackburn, Kristie E. Anderson ‘10, and Kent D. Dunlap (2008). Placentation in the viviparous lizard Sceloporus jarrovi is unusually specialized. Sixth World Congress of Herpetology, Manaus, Brazil (August 2008).
Joan L. Morrison, Kyle E. Pias ’07, and Isabel G.W. Gottlieb ’09 (2007). Food habits of Florida’s Crested caracaras (Caracara cheriway). Annual meeting, Raptor Research Foundation, Fogelsville, PA (September, 2007).
Siobhan M. Knight ’07 and Daniel G. Blackburn (2007). Scanning electron microscopy of the fetal membranes of an oviparous snake. Proceedings of the 8th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology, p. 67. Pierre and Marie Curie University, and Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France (July 2007).
Gregory S. Gavelis ‘08, Kent. D. Dunlap, and Daniel G. Blackburn (2007). Placental specializations in the viviparous lizard Sceloporus jarrovi. Proceedings of the 8th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology, p. 44. Pierre and Marie Curie University, and Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France (July 2007).
Elizabeth McCarthy ‘07, Kent D. Dunlap, and Denisa Jashari ’10 (2007). Electrocommunication signals alone increase radial glial fiber density in the brain of adult electric fish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus. International Congress of Neuroethology, Vancouver, BC, Canada (2007).
Alison A. Parpal ’06 and Craig W. Schneider (2006). The effects of extended periods of anoxia on Vaucheria propagules in Connecticut riparian sediments. 45th Northeast Algal Symposium, Marist College, Poughkeepsie, NY (April 2006).
Joan L. Morrison and Kyle E. Pias ’07 (2006). Aspects of the diet of the northern Crested caracara in Florida. 4th North American Ornithological Conference, Veracruz, Mexico (October 2006).
Sarah E. Arnold ’06 and Scott R. Smedley (2006). Duvane diterpenes in hair-borne droplets defend tobacco budworm (Heliothis virescens) caterpillars from predation. Council on Undergraduate Research Poster Session on Capitol Hill, Washington, DC (2006).
Daniel G. Blackburn, Amy R. Johnson ‘03, and Jennifer L. Petzold ’03 (2005). Fetal membranes as exaptations for viviparity: evidence from ultrastructural studies on oviparous corn snakes. Fifth World Congress of Herpetology, University of Stellenbosch, Republic of South Africa (June 2005). Conference Proceedings p. 122.
Doug M. Rendell ’05, Jennifer R. Tetreault ’05, Frank C. Schroeder, and Scott R. Smedley (2005). A chemical, ecological, and taxonomic study of glandular hairs in pierid butterfly caterpillars. Annual Meeting of the Lepidopterists’ Society, Sierra Vista, AZ (2005).
Doug M. Rendell ’05, Jennifer R. Tetreault ’05, Frank C. Schroeder, and Scott R. Smedley (2005), A chemical, ecological, and taxonomic study of glandular hairs in pierid butterfly caterpillars. Connecticut Entomological Society meeting, Hartford, CT (2005).
Sarah E. Arnold ’06, Amy E. Schoenfeld ’00, Rachael L. Currao ’03, Frank C. Schroeder, and Scott R. Smedley (2005). Hair-borne droplets in caterpillars: unsavory appetizers that may prevent a predator’s meal. Connecticut Entomological Society meeting, Hartford, CT (2005).
Daniel G. Blackburn, Amy R. Johnson ‘03, and Jennifer L. Petzold ’03 (2005). Ultrastructure of the fetal membranes in the oviparous corn snake, Pantherophis guttatus. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Meeting, San Diego, CA (January 2005). Integrative and Comparative Biology 44: 678 (2005).
Robert J. Fleming, Ravin Ratan ’05, D. Adam Mason, and D. Goldfarb (2005). Characterization of deletions removing the importin alpha-1 locus of Drosophila melanogaster. 46th Annual Drosophila Research Congress. San Diego (2005).
Sarah E. Arnold ’06, Amy E. Schoenfeld ’00, Rachael L. Currao ’03, Frank C. Schroeder, and Scott R. Smedley (2005). Hair-borne droplets in caterpillars: unsavory appetizers that may prevent a predator’s meal. Connecticut Entomological Society meeting, Hartford, CT (2005).
Scott R. Smedley, Frank C. Schroeder, Amy E. Schoenfeld ’00, Sarah E. Arnold ‘06, and Rachael L. Currao ’00 (2005). Anointment of cuticular hairs with tobacco metabolites protects a larval moth (Heliothis virescens) from predation. Annual Meeting of the Lepidopterists’ Society, Sierra Vista, AZ (2005).
Sarah E. Arnold ’06, Frank C. Schroeder, and Scott R. Smedley (2005). An ecological and chemical examination of glandular hairs in two pierid butterfly caterpillars (Pieris virginiensis and Anthocharis midea). Annual Meeting of the Lepidopterists’ Society, Sierra Vista, AZ (2005).
James Castellano ’05, Doris Luk ’05, Alda Prendaj ’05, and Kent Dunlap (2004). Social interaction increases cell proliferation and vimentin expression, but not neurogenesis in brains of adult electric fish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus. Seventh International Congress of Neuroethology, Nyborg, Denmark (2004).
Hebe Guardiola-Diaz, Allison Zanno ‘04, Nicholas P. Kwiatkowski ‘03, and Alfin Vaz (2004). Identification and characterization of the reductase component of the M. tuberculosis CYP51 system. 21st Annual New England Membrane Enzyme Group Meeting (2004).
Kyle E. Pias ’07 and Joan L. Morrison (2004). Diet analysis of nesting crested caracaras in south central Florida. Undergraduate Environmental Research Symposium, Bridgewater State College, Bridgewater, MA (November 2004).
Jason Gallant ’05 and Kent Dunlap (2004). Electrocommunication signal diversity within Apteronotus may be due to varied properties of glutamate receptors. Seventh International Congress of Neuroethology, Nyborg, Denmark (2004).
Joan L. Morrison and Erin J. Riley ’04 (2004). Urban parks as habitat islands with importance for conservation of regional biodiversity. Presentation to the Annual Meeting of Society for Conservation Biology, New York, NY (August 2004).
Kent Dunlap, Doris Luk ‘05, and James Castellano ’05 (2004). Social influences on adult neurogenesis in the brains of weakly electric fish. 2004 Conference on Neural Engineering, Biomedical Engineering Alliance of Connecticut, Hartford, CT (BEACON).
Daniel G. Blackburn, D.G., Amy R. Johnson ‘03, and Jennifer L. Petzold ’03 (2003). Placental ultrastructure in the brown snake Storeria dekayi. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Toronto, Canada (January 2003). SICB 2002 (abstracts of the annual meeting), p. 118.
Amy R. Johnson ‘03, Jennifer L. Petzold ‘03, and Daniel G. Blackburn (2002). Morphology and evolution of fetal membranes in snakes. Regional meeting of the Division of Vertebrate Morphology, Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (September 2002).
Kent D. Dunlap and Jonah Larkins-Ford ’02 (2002). Diversity in the structure of electrocommunication signals within a genus of electric fish, Apteronotus. Gordon Conference on Neuroethology, Oxford, England (2002).
Daniel G. Blackburn, Kera K. Weaber ‘98, James R. Stewart, and Michael B. Thompson (2002). Do pregnant lizards reabsorb or abort inviable eggs? Morphological evidence from an Australian skink, Pseudemoia pagenstecheri. Annual Meeting, Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Anaheim, CA (January, 2002). SICB 2002, p. 128.
Joan L. Morrison, Jessica A. Birnbaum ‘02, Paula M. Ciastko (IDP), and Chris M. Geremia ’02 (2002). Composition and habitat associations of breeding bird communities in urban parks. 3rd North American Ornithological Conference, New Orleans, LA (September 2002).
Joan L. Morrison and Zak A. Kahn ’05 (2002). Habitat relationships among wintering birds in urban parks. 3rd North American Ornithological Conference, New Orleans, LA (September 2002).
Katie A. Lafleur ‘02 and Scott R. Smedley (2002). Mayolenes: defensive lipids produced by larval glandular hairs in the cabbage butterfly (Pieris rapae). Pfizer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Conference, 2002.
Katie A. Lafleur ‘02 and Scott R. Smedley (2001). The defensive role of the pupal secretion of a ladybird beetle (Epilachna borealis). Council on Undergraduate Research Poster Session on Capitol Hill, Washington, DC (2001).
Hebe Guardiola-Diaz and Suma S. Magge ’01 (2001). PPARd -regulated genes in oligodendrocytes. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 27: 462.
Daniel G. Blackburn, Jennifer L. Petzold ‘03, and Amy R. Johnson ’03 (2001). Cytology of the developing extraembryonic membranes of an oviparous snake (Elaphe guttata). Sixth International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology. University of Jena, Germany (July, 2001). Journal of Morphology 248: 207 (2001).
Anthony J. DeNicola ’88 and Michael A. O’Donnell (2001). Den site selection and movement patterns of female raccoons following removal and exclusion from residences. 57th Annual Northeast Fish & Wildlife Conference, Saratoga Springs, NY (April, 2001).
Daniel C. McDevit ‘01 and Craig W. Schneider (2001). The effects of repeated freezing and thawing cycles on Vaucheria (Vaucheriaceae) propagules in Connecticut riparian sediments, 40th Northeast Algal Symposium, Plymouth, MA (April 2001).
Tyler Charlesworth’00, Ann H. Lehman, and Daniel G. Blackburn (2000). Histology and ultrastructure of the extraembryonic membranes of the quail. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Chicago, Illinois (January 2001). American Zoologist 39 (2000).
Anthony DeNicola ’88, Michael O’Donnell, Mariah Titlow ’00, John Whitehouse ’00, Jeremy Brooks ’99, Stephanie Corbett ’99, and Christopher Newhall ’99 (2000). Den site selection and movement patterns of female raccoons following removal and exclusion from residences. Wildlife Damage Management Conference, Penn State University, University Park, PA (October 2000).
Lisa-Anne Foster and Erica L. Veysey ’99 (2000). Cloning and characterization of the hemA gene from Bordetella bronchiseptica. 100th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. Los Angeles, CA (May 2000).
Megan E. Dunphy ’00, Christopher E. Lane ’99, and Craig W. Schneider (2000). The effects of desiccation and freezing on Vaucheria propagules in Connecticut riparian sediments. 39th Northeast Algal Symposium, Whispering Pines, RI (May, 2000).
Scott R. Smedley, Leah K. Gibbons ‘98, Thomas Eisner, Frank C. Schröder, J.J. Farmer and Jerrold Meinwald (1999). The defensive role of the pupal secretion of an introduced ladybird beetle. Greater New England Symposium on the Ecology of Invasive Species, Yale University, New Haven, CT (February 1999).
Daniel G. Blackburn, Amy R. Johnson ‘03, and Jennifer L. Petzold ’03 (2000). Histology of the extraembryonic membranes of the oviparous corn snake, Elaphe guttata. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Chicago, IL (January 2001). American Zoologist 40: 945-946 (2000).
Timothy S. Lishnak ’96, Daniel G. Blackburn, Susan Kleis-San Francisco, and Ian P. Callard. Oviductal histology in viviparous water snakes Nerodia during the reproductive cycle. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology, Boston MA; January, 1998. American Zoologist 37 (5): 200.
Daniel G. Blackburn, Elizabeth E. Fifield ’96, Susan Kleis-San Francisco, and Ian P. Callard. Effects of reproductive hormones on the uterus and liver of a viviparous placentotrophic lizard. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology, Boston MA; January, 1998. American Zoologist 37 (5): 200.
Elizabeth Fifield ’96, Joel Elzweig ’00, and Daniel G. Blackburn. Hepatic and uterine responses to neuroendocrine and steroid hormones in a viviparous lizard. NEURON, 1st Annual Symposium, Trinity College, May 1997.
Christian Sidor ’94, and Daniel G. Blackburn. Effects of testosterone treatment and castration on forelimb muscles of male leopard frogs, Rana pipiens. NEURON, 1st Annual Symposium, Trinity College, May 1997.
Vincent A. Bernardo ’96 and Daniel G. Blackburn. Effects of exogenous testosterone and castration on the hypaxial muscles of the northern leopard frog Rana pipiens. NEURON, 1st Annual Symposium, Trinity College, May 1997.
Elizabeth E. Fifield ’96 and Daniel G. Blackburn. Effects of reproductive hormones on the uterus and liver of a viviparous lizard. 51st Annual Eastern Colleges Biological Conference, Central Connecticut University, April 1997.
Chris A. Sidor ’94 and Daniel G. Blackburn. Effects of testosterone treatment and castration on forelimb muscles of male leopard frogs, Rana pipiens. Annual Meeting, American Society of Zoologists, St. Louis, Missouri (1995). American Zoologist 30: 109A (1995).
Elaine Palucki ’95 and E. Kathleen Archer. Mitochondrial and glyoxysomal function in a temperature‑sensitive mutation in tobacco. 16th Annual UMass/UConn Plant Biology Meeting, University of Massachusetts, Amherst (1995).
Chris Sidor ’94 and Daniel G. Blackburn. Effects of testosterone administration and castration on forelimb muscles of male leopard frogs. American Society of Zoologists, Vertebrate Morphology Division, New England Regional Meeting. Brown University, Providence, R.I. (1993).
David A. Weinstein ’90, J. Emmett Simmons, and D.D. Flynn. Effect of aluminum sulfate ingestion on M1 muscarinic receptor affinity in the frontoparietal cortex of male rats. Proceedings of the Gerontological Society of America, San Francisco, CA (1991).
Craig W. Schneider and Richard P. Reading ’84. On the male conceptacles of two terete species of Gracilaria (Rhodophyta, Gigartinales) from North Carolina. Joint Meeting: American Society of Limnology and Oceanography/ Phycological Society of America, Kingston, Rhode Island (1986).
Donald B. Galbraith, and Barbara L. Wolf ’78. The effect of 6-diazo-5-oxo-norleucine (DON) on the development of mouse tooth germs in vitro. In Vitro 15: 193 (1979). Annual Meeting of the Tissue Culture Society, Seattle, Washington.
Frank M. Child and Matthew N. Apter ’68. Experimental inhibition of ciliogenesis and ciliary regeneration in Arbacia embryos. Biological Bulletin 137: 394-395 (1969).
Frank M. Child and Matthew N. Apter ’68. Effect of cycloheximide on ciliogenesis, ciliary regeneration, and protein synthesis in Arbacia embryos. Biological Bulletin 135: 416-417 (1968).
Scott R. Smedley, Leah K. Gibbons ‘98, Thomas Eisner, Frank C. Schröder, J.J. Farmer and Jerrold Meinwald (1999). The defensive role of the pupal secretion of an introduced ladybird beetle. Greater New England Symposium on the Ecology of Invasive Species, Yale University, New Haven, CT (February 1999).
Daniel G. Blackburn, Amy R. Johnson ‘03, and Jennifer L. Petzold ’03 (2000). Histology of the extraembryonic membranes of the oviparous corn snake, Elaphe guttata. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Chicago, IL (January 2001). American Zoologist 40: 945-946 (2000).
Timothy S. Lishnak ’96, Daniel G. Blackburn, Susan Kleis-San Francisco, and Ian P. Callard. Oviductal histology in viviparous water snakes Nerodia during the reproductive cycle. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology, Boston MA; January, 1998. American Zoologist 37 (5): 200.
Daniel G. Blackburn, Elizabeth E. Fifield ’96, Susan Kleis-San Francisco, and Ian P. Callard. Effects of reproductive hormones on the uterus and liver of a viviparous placentotrophic lizard. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology, Boston MA; January, 1998. American Zoologist 37 (5): 200.
Elizabeth Fifield ’96, Joel Elzweig ’00, and Daniel G. Blackburn. Hepatic and uterine responses to neuroendocrine and steroid hormones in a viviparous lizard. NEURON, 1st Annual Symposium, Trinity College, May 1997.
Christian Sidor ’94, and Daniel G. Blackburn. Effects of testosterone treatment and castration on forelimb muscles of male leopard frogs, Rana pipiens. NEURON, 1st Annual Symposium, Trinity College, May 1997.
Vincent A. Bernardo ’96 and Daniel G. Blackburn. Effects of exogenous testosterone and castration on the hypaxial muscles of the northern leopard frog Rana pipiens. NEURON, 1st Annual Symposium, Trinity College, May 1997.
Elizabeth E. Fifield ’96 and Daniel G. Blackburn. Effects of reproductive hormones on the uterus and liver of a viviparous lizard. 51st Annual Eastern Colleges Biological Conference, Central Connecticut University, April 1997.
Chris A. Sidor ’94 and Daniel G. Blackburn. Effects of testosterone treatment and castration on forelimb muscles of male leopard frogs, Rana pipiens. Annual Meeting, American Society of Zoologists, St. Louis, Missouri (1995). American Zoologist 30: 109A (1995).
Elaine Palucki ’95 and E. Kathleen Archer. Mitochondrial and glyoxysomal function in a temperature‑sensitive mutation in tobacco. 16th Annual UMass/UConn Plant Biology Meeting, University of Massachusetts, Amherst (1995).
Chris Sidor ’94 and Daniel G. Blackburn. Effects of testosterone administration and castration on forelimb muscles of male leopard frogs. American Society of Zoologists, Vertebrate Morphology Division, New England Regional Meeting. Brown University, Providence, R.I. (1993).
David A. Weinstein ’90, J. Emmett Simmons, and D.D. Flynn. Effect of aluminum sulfate ingestion on M1 muscarinic receptor affinity in the frontoparietal cortex of male rats. Proceedings of the Gerontological Society of America, San Francisco, CA (1991).
Craig W. Schneider and Richard P. Reading ’84. On the male conceptacles of two terete species of Gracilaria (Rhodophyta, Gigartinales) from North Carolina. Joint Meeting: American Society of Limnology and Oceanography/ Phycological Society of America, Kingston, Rhode Island (1986).
Donald B. Galbraith, and Barbara L. Wolf ’78. The effect of 6-diazo-5-oxo-norleucine (DON) on the development of mouse tooth germs in vitro. In Vitro 15: 193 (1979). Annual Meeting of the Tissue Culture Society, Seattle, Washington.
Frank M. Child and Matthew N. Apter ’68. Experimental inhibition of ciliogenesis and ciliary regeneration in Arbacia embryos. Biological Bulletin 137: 394-395 (1969).
Frank M. Child and Matthew N. Apter ’68. Effect of cycloheximide on ciliogenesis, ciliary regeneration, and protein synthesis in Arbacia embryos. Biological Bulletin 135: 416-417 (1968).