Trinfo posted by Gabby Nelson

Trinfo Fall Update

Trinfo.Cafe opened October 1st and closed November 24th due to pandemic conditions. If you stopped by, you may have seen a new face in the office.

Community Learning posted by Erica Crowley

How to Livestream Zoom Events on Facebook

As we move into our Fall 2020 semester during the Covid pandemic, many Trinity College classes have moved online and we are faced with the challenge of thinking about community engagement in a remote context. This blog post serves to help anyone hosting a Zoom event to stream it directly to Facebook.

HMTCA-Trinity Partnership posted by Robert Cotto

Virtual Walking Tour of Hartford by P.R.I.D.E.

In usual years, Trinity College P.R.I.D.E. leaders show new Trinity College students in the program about the places they know, appreciate, and learn with in Hartford. Given the current circumstances and concerns about safety, P.R.I.D.E. Leaders created a "Virtual Hartford Walking Tour" using the StoryMap platform.

Community Learning posted by Erica Crowley

Announcing the Fall 2020 Community Learning Research Fellows

The Center for Hartford Engagement & Research is pleased to announce the 2020 Community Learning Research Fellows! This is a competitive program that allows selected students with previous community engagement ...

Community Learning posted by Erica Crowley

Community Learning Support Available for Fall 2020

As we begin the Fall 2020 semester, I would like to remind our faculty about support available for Community Learning courses that engage students and Hartford community partners in mutually ...

Community Service and Civic Engagement posted by Morgan Finn

Community Service Office Supports SINA School Supply Drive

Joe Barber and the Office of Community Service and Civic Engagement kicked off the school year by teaming up with SINA for their school supply drive! With donations from Trinity ...

News posted by Erica Crowley

Hartford Community Engagement During the COVID Pandemic

CHER’s mission continues to focus on strengthening educational partnerships between Trinity and the Hartford community. Due to the pandemic, CHER’s efforts will take a different form during Fall 2020.  With ...

Community Learning posted by Erica Crowley

CHER September 2020 Newsletter

Welcome to the CHER September Newsletter! We send out an e-newsletter to keep the campus and community updated about what we’re doing here in the Center for Hartford Engagement & Research at Trinity College.