Community Service and Civic Engagement posted by Gabby Nelson

Students and Mentors in the Jones-Zimmerman Academic Mentoring Program Finish Third Year Together

This spring, the current cohort of students in the Jones-Zimmerman Academic Mentoring Program (J-Z AMP) are completing their third and final year in the program.  Middle school students in the program spend three years, from sixth grade through eighth grade, working with Trinity College student mentors. Hartford Magnet Trinity College Academy (HMTCA) and Trinity College have worked together through J-Z AMP for twenty years to put on the annual program that includes homework help, tutoring, and enrichment activities.

Community Service and Civic Engagement posted by Courtney DeMeglio

Samba Fest Brings Together Community, Culture, and Academics

Samba Fest is an annual event that celebrates the intersections of culture, community, and academic inquiry. Produced by Eric Galm, Professor of Music, this year’s Samba Fest was a way to welcome back music and celebrate culture, something we have all missed these last couple of years.

Community Learning posted by Emeline Avignon (2024)

“Writing for a Digital World” Course Partners with Hartford Food System

This semester, Visiting Assistant Professor in the Allan K. Smith Center for Writing in Rhetoric Alex Helberg is teaching RHET 125 “Writing for a Digital World,” where students seek to understand the influence of digital technologies on writing and communication practices. Borrowing from rhetorical theory on concepts like genre, discourse communities, intertextuality, and rhetorical ecologies, Helberg is teaching students how to write for public audiences through a Community Learning podcast project in partnership with Hartford Food System and Healthy Hartford Hub (HHH).

Community Learning posted by Emma Hersom '24

Incarceration and the Right to Vote: An International Comparative Study

Community Learning Research Fellow Emma Hersom ‘24 with Community Partner James Jeter, Full Citizens Coalition & Faculty Sponsor Professor Anna Terwiel  Spring 2022, Trinity College, Hartford CT Introduction  Constitution of the United States ...

Community Learning posted by Abby Nick '24

The Benefits of Guaranteed Basic Income: Lessons from Advocates

Abby Nick ‘24, Community Learning Research Fellow Community Partner Maddie Granato, Connecticut Women’s Education and Legal Advocacy Fund And Faculty Sponsor Professor Chambers Spring 2022, Trinity College, Hartford CT