Here, you can find information on bus routes, getting a Bantam bus pass, reserving Trinity College vans, and using rideshare.

Reserve and rent a vehicle from Trinity Facilities: Students, staff, and faculty who are College-approved drivers can rent a vehicle (such as a 7-passenger minivan) from Trinity Facilities. For vehicles transporting more than 7 people, Connecticut law requires the driver to hold an “F” endorsement on their license.
  • To become a College-approved driver, complete the Trinity College Driver Application Form and have it signed by a faculty sponsor, advisor, or department chair/director. Submit the form to Carol Kessel in the Business Office for processing.
  • After a driver has been approved by the College, reserve a vehicle by contacting Trinity Facilities  or go to the office on New Britain Avenue to sign up in person. You will need a Trinity account number (which we can provide for a CLI course) for the mileage that will be charged (at the current IRS rate). The authorized driver is responsible for picking up the keys and the mileage form from Facilities, and dropping them back off with the mileage numbers on the form.

Ride Free with Bantam Bus Pass

At the start of each semester, all students are provided with a Bantam Bus Pass card for free rides on the local CT Transit buses. Popular destinations include the Westfarms Mall and attractions in downtown Hartford.


Use Rideshare!

The Rideshare Company is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization created to make it easier for people to get to and from work while saving them money and reducing some of the commuting hassles. At the same time, it strives to enhance the quality of our environment by measurably reducing both road congestion and energy consumption.