About the Office
The Office of the Dean of the Faculty and Vice President for Academic Affairs functions as a coordinated team, supporting faculty, students, and staff at Trinity. Learn more about the academic deans, our dedicated staff professionals, and faculty directors.
Academic Deans |
Sonia Cardenas, Dean of the Faculty and Vice President for Academic Affairs and Scott M. Johnson ’97 Distinguished Professor of Political ScienceResponsibilities: Appointments and promotions; academic programs; faculty development and mentoring; academic centers and institutes; global study and urban educational programs; as well as strategic academic planning, including position allocations, the academic budget, academic assessments, graduate studies and intersessions; and various strategic initiatives, including Trinity’s downtown campus and academic capital planning. Contact: Sonia.Cardenas@trincoll.edu. Williams Memorial. 860-297-4193. |
Sarah Raskin, Associate Dean for Faculty Development and Charles A. Dana Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience
Mitchell Polin, Associate Dean for Curriculum and Professor of Theater and DanceResponsibilities: Academic Departments and Programs: American Studies, Art History, Classical Studies, English, Film Studies, History, Jewish Studies, Language & Culture Studies, Music, Neuroscience, Philosophy, Psychology, Religious Studies, Studio Arts, Women, Gender & Sexuality; Gateway Programs. Functional Responsibilities: Curricular Implementation, External Reviews, Inter-Sessions Curricula, Liaison to Library, Remote Learning (students), Honorands. Committees: Curriculum Committee, Academic Affairs, Summit Facilities, Learning Spaces. Centers: Allan K. Smith Center for Writing and Rhetoric, Trinity Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies, Center for Academic Advising, Greenberg Center for Religion in Public Life. Contact: Mitchell.Polin@trincoll.edu (Williams Memorial 232, 860-297-4006) |
Administrative Staff |
Sylvia W. DeMore, Special Assistant to the Dean of FacultyAssists the dean with all matters pertaining to the Appointments & Promotions and Educational Policy Committees, contract renewals, appointment letters, leave requests, faculty profiles, and faculty searches. She also assists the Ann Plato Search Committee. Contact: Williams Memorial 228, 860-297-2152 / sylvia.demore@trincoll.edu |
Dania Field, Director of Strategic ProjectsAssists the Vice President for Academic Affairs on coordinating major strategic initiatives at the College, including the partnership with Infosys and programming at Constitution Plaza. Contact: Downes Memorial 106, 860-297-5331 / dania.field@trincoll.edu |
Lynda Hickey, Academic Affairs Budget AssistantWorking part-time for the Dean’s Office, organizes and processes check requests, travel reports, invoices, and credit card reconciliations in the Academic Affairs division. Contact: Williams Memorial 230, 860-297-2128 / lynda.hickey@trincoll.edu |
Keysha Matthews, Executive Assistant to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty OfficeManages the Deans’ calendars and the daily flow of activity within the Dean of the Faculty’s Office. Contact: Williams Memorial 118, 860-297-2144 / keysha.matthews@trincoll.edu. |
Patricia Moody, Director of Academic FinanceOversees the various budgets for which the Dean’s Office has responsibility. Pat also tracks expenses, performs budget analysis, and develops budgets for study away programs. She is the liaison to the Business Office and represents the Dean’s Office on the Benefits Committee. Contact: Williams Memorial 230, 860-297-2128 / patricia.moody@trincoll.edu |
Roger Ngim, Experience OfficerImproves the student and faculty experience by creating strategies and practices that promote engagement and retention. Roger supports faculty development, curricular initiatives, and other Academic Affairs functions and serves as the division’s strategic communications officer. Contact: Williams 231, 860-231-5304 / roger.ngim@trincoll.edu |
Leo Schuchert, Associate Director, Center for Academic and Experiential AdvisingResponsible for oversight of advising and student support initiatives through the Center for Academic and Experiential Advising. Leo manages daily operations of the Center in addition to coordinating the Experiential Learning Network, comprised of campus leaders responsible for co-curricular learning opportunities. Leo drives the implementation of the Trinity Plus Curriculum, supports initiatives within the Wellness requirement, and coordinates the First-Year Mentor program. Contact: LITC 162, 860-297-5368 / leo.schuchert@trincoll.edu |