Trinity’s holistic approach to Wellness places an emphasis on how students care for themselves, one another, and their world, establishing and sustaining positive values, habits, and behaviors during their time at Trinity and beyond.
Wellness Requirement Learning Goals:
- Students will be equipped with the tools to balance personal well-being with their social, academic, extra-curricular, and professional commitments.
- Students will learn and discuss the practice of establishing goals to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
- Students will strengthen their understanding of social and cultural difference and will practice being an active and responsible member of a diverse heterogeneous community.
- Students will learn how to engage and care for the world in a responsible manner and make choices to support a sustainable lifestyle.
Students must complete two Wellness Experiences within the first two years at Trinity. Each Wellness experience requires a minimum of eight hours of direct engagement and provides an opportunity for student reflection.

Wellness Requirement Overview
Trinity’s wide array of Wellness Experiences promote positive habit building aimed at: maintaining healthy mental, physical, spiritual health; promoting responsible choices to embrace diversity, equity, and inclusion; promoting impactful civic participation; and supporting sustainable lifestyles to maintain a healthy planet. The Wellness requirement is not divided into specific categories.
You are required to complete a total of two Wellness Experiences within the first two years at Trinity. Wellness Experiences may be repeated, depending on the specific nature of each experience.
Wellness experiences cannot be transferred from an external organization. Transfer students’ Wellness Requirement must still be completed within the first two years at Trinity.

Identifying, Enrolling, and Completing Wellness Experiences
To find a course or experience that fulfills a Wellness requirement, go to your portal, select “Course Schedule” and filter for “Wellness” within the Department/Program drop down meu. Here, you will find a complete list of available experiences in which you may enroll directly.
Enrollment for Wellness Experiences opens at the time of Advance Registration and closes at the end of the Add/Drop period. Late-adds may be permitted via petition process.
Due to the recently approved changes to the Wellness Requirement, the updated Fall 2023 registration process may not be available until this summer. Please check back regularly before the fall term begins to enroll in existing and newly added Wellness Experiences.
Your enrollment in a Wellness Experience will display in your transcript along with your courses as soon as you enroll during Advance Registration and before the end of the Add/Drop period.
Participation in intercollegiate athletics and club sports with staff/faculty supervisors is recorded automatically at the conclusion of the experience, and will be displayed at the end of each semester.
Wellness Experiences do not carry credit. This requirement is evaluated on a complete/incomplete basis.
If you need to drop out of a Wellness Experience before the end of the semester, your Wellness Experience Supervisor will remove you from the roster.

Proposing New Wellness Experiences
Trinity faculty or staff can submit new Wellness Experiences through the online proposal form. Experiences must be hosted and supervised by a member of Trinity College’s faculty/staff. This includes club sports.
Proposals are sent to the Curriculum Committee for consideration.
Opportunities to engage with the Trinity and greater Hartford community through intentional programming rooted in the program’s learning goals can count within the Wellness Requirement. Experiences must meet on a recurring basis for a minimum of eight hours.
Certain academic courses also fulfill a Wellness Requirement. Just as courses may count for Humanities (HUM) or Global Emphasis (GLB) distribution requirements, certain academic courses also carry a Wellness (WEL) code.
Experiences hosted at an external organization, or without program management and supervision from a Trinity College faculty or staff member, cannot count or be transferred towards the Wellness Requirement.
Faculty or staff can submit a Wellness proposal at any time to be considered for the following semester.