Academic accommodations and emergency policies for Spring 2020
Frequently Asked Questions
Please see below for frequently asked questions regarding:
Pass/Low Pass/Fail options
Completion of classes
Study Away Programs
General questions
Questions regarding P/LP/F options
What is the process to designate courses P/LP/F?
For the spring 2020 semester only, all students will have the option to switch some or all of their courses to P/LP/F. The window to complete this switch will be between May 10th and June 30th (or in the case of students studying away, 30 days after their final grades are posted). This option is available to all students, without prejudice, including those on academic probation. All students will continue their courses for grades until the end of the semester (except in the likely minority of cases in which faculty members have been approved by petition to have their courses switched to P/LP/F with the option to enter only one of those grades: see below). After their final grades are posted, students must consult with their advisers and discuss which of their grades, if any, it is in their best interest to convert.
You should consult with your adviser to discuss the expanded grading options being offered this semester. If together you decide this is the best option for you, your adviser will lift a “hold,” just as they do during advising week, so that you can select the P/LP/F option electronically. Specific details about how to do this are available here.
Will courses taken P/LP/F in Spring 2020 count against the number of classes I can take P/LP/F for the rest of my time at Trinity?
No. Courses you convert to P/LP/F this semester will not count toward the number of courses (4) you can take with P/LP/F grading during your Trinity career. We still want you to be able to explore new academic interests in future semesters.
By when do I have to decide to convert a course to P/LP/F?
If you are taking classes based at Trinity’s Hartford campus (now remotely), you have until June 30th to make your decision. If you are participating in a study-away program, you will have 30 days after your grades have been posted to your Trinity transcript.
How many classes am I allowed to take P/LP/F?
This semester you may convert one, some, or all of your courses P/LP/F. These will not count toward the maximum of 4 courses that Trinity students are allotted under non-emergency circumstances.
Can I decide on P/LP/F after I have received my grades?
Yes. In fact, you can ONLY decide after you have seen your final grades. We encourage you to stay as engaged as possible and learn as much as you can this semester. After you have seen your grades, decide whether they are a fair representation of your ability and work in the class, or whether they reflect emergency circumstances. To make the most informed decision, talk to your advisers about the impact on your GPA, admission to graduate programs, or other opportunities. Trinity’s faculty fully support your use of P/LP/F; we only ask you to meet with your adviser so they can help you make the best decision possible.
Do I need to receive a letter grade for my course even though I elect to convert to P/LP/F?
Yes. As a general rule, all students will receive a letter grades for their courses, except those previously designated P/F, such as physical education classes. The Registrar’s Office will convert to P/LP/F any grade the student chooses, after consultation with their adviser. If a professor is approved by the Curriculum Committee to convert their entire class to P/LP/F, a student will still receive a letter grade for conversion unless the professor is also approved to only give grades of P, LP, or F.
What is the letter grade conversion range for a Pass/Low Pass/Fail?
Can my professor decide to convert a course originally assessed on a letter-grade basis to P/LP/F?
Yes. A faculty member may petition the Curriculum Committee to convert some or all of their classes to P/LP/F, though it is expected that the number of faculty choosing this option will be small. Faculty will submit petitions to the Curriculum Committee as soon as they are able, and students will be informed by the Registrar’s Office if a course in which they are enrolled has been approved as a P/LP/F course. If the faculty member has been approved for a P/LP/F conversion, students may not petition for a grade.
What if I initially designated my class as P/LP/F at the start of the semester and now would like to convert it to graded?
June 30th is now the deadline to convert courses initially designated as P/LP/F to graded. If you would like to make this change, please email the Registrar’s office at [email protected].
I want to go to graduate school and am worried that courses I must take for a letter grade will be converted by my instructor to P/LP/F. How will this affect me?
Because this is a global emergency, all universities are facing the same problems and most have adopted flexible measures regarding P/LP/F options. Graduate schools and accrediting agencies are aware of this. Many programs and professional organizations have already expressed willingness to be flexible on this issue, and more are likely to follow suit. Your major adviser, or the college’s pre-professional adviser for your field(s), will be your best source of information to help you navigate this issue.
Questions regarding completion of classes
What if I feel I cannot complete the work required for a particular course?
For the spring 2020 semester only, students will have until April 30 to petition the Academic Affairs Committee for a late drop for one or more courses, with adviser and instructor permission. For the spring 2020 semester only, students may carry a reduced course load without automatically incurring academic probation.
How will dropping a course affect my financial aid or international student visa status?
If dropping a course will place you below 4 credits, in addition to obtaining adviser and instructor permission, you must check with the financial aid office and/or the international student adviser, prior to petitioning to drop courses. Only those offices can give you the most accurate information on how dropping a course will affect you.
What if I cannot finish the work for a course right now, but don’t want to drop?
Talk to your instructor and adviser about taking an Incomplete in the course and completing your work at a future date. For the spring 2020 semester only, for any student, faculty may enter a grade of “I” for incomplete at their own discretion for any student (including those on academic probation). For each Incomplete granted, the instructor must, within 30 business days, file a plan with the department or program, copied to the Registrar’s Office, specifying the remaining work to be completed and designating a backup instructor in the event the instructor is unable to supervise the completion of the work. If this plan is not filed within 30 business days of the incomplete, the grade will revert to an F.
The “I” may remain the official grade up to 365 days, at which point the work must be completed and a grade entered or the grade will be converted to an “F.” Extensions beyond 365 days may only be granted by the Academic Affairs Committee via petition.
I’ve done a substantial amount of work for my class, but cannot complete it. Can I get partial credit for the work I’ve done?
With approval from the instructor and your academic adviser, you may petition the Curriculum Committee to reduce a course by half its credit (i.e., 1 to 0.5; 0.5 to 0.25) and to receive a final grade based on your grade at the midpoint of the semester. If, as a result of this decision, you would fall below 4 credits, you must address the impact of your request on your financial aid and/or international student visa in the petition to the CC.
I’m a senior and need to drop a course, but that will put me below 36 credits. Can I do still drop and remain on track for graduation?
It depends. If you have otherwise completed all of your major and/or minor requirements, as well as all general education requirements, and will have at least 34.5 credits overall, you can still graduate on time. An appropriate notation regarding the extenuating circumstances will be placed on your transcript.
Questions for students on study away programs
Will the P/LP/F and late drop options apply to study away students?
Yes. This policy applies to all students for the spring 2020 semester, both those who began the semester with courses on the Hartford campus and those studying abroad.
Can P/LP/F be applied to all courses, both those taken on Trinity Study-Away Programs and those taken on Approved External Provider (AEP) programs?
Yes. If, after looking at your final grades, you and your adviser decide that the best decision for you is to convert one, some, or all of your courses P/LP/F, you may do so.
What if the transcripts from foreign universities do not arrive until September or October 2020, or there are additional delays?
The Office of Study Away will as usual, receive partner institution transcripts and input student grades. The Registrar’s Office will receive AEP transcripts and process per Trinity’s policies. The student will always have 30 days after their grades have been posted to their Trinity transcripts to make these changes to P/LP/F.
Other general questions
What if my adviser is not available for consultation or to grant permission for petitions during this time?
If your adviser is unavailable or not responding to your attempts to reach them, your department chair (if you have declared a major) or the advising fellow of your Nest (if you have not declared yet) may sign forms and grant permissions in place of your adviser.
To whom should I direct questions?
Direct technical and procedural questions should go to the Registrar’s Office. All other questions should be discussed with your adviser, department chair, or the Dean of Student’s office.