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Below are recently announced funding opportunities. We periodically update this information to include the latest funding opportunities, but funders change guidelines frequently. To ensure the most current guidelines, please follow the links to check funder websites.
Also, remember you can look at SPIN. SPIN is a database of funding opportunities which is constantly updated. You can find instructions on accessing SPIN by clicking HERE or you may go directly to the SPIN log in by clicking HERE.

Application deadline: Usually September 17
Guggenheim Fellowships are intended for individuals who have already demonstrated exceptional capacity for productive scholarship or exceptional creative ability in the arts. Fellowships are awarded through two annual competitions: one open to citizens and permanent residents of the United States and Canada, and the other open to citizens and permanent residents of Latin America and the Caribbean (NB: The Foundation has suspended the Latin America and Caribbean program for 2021). Candidates must apply to the Guggenheim Foundation in order to be considered in either of these competitions.
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Application deadline: November 1
Post-Ph.D. Research Grants are awarded to individuals holding a Ph.D. or equivalent degree to support individual research projects. The program contributes to the Foundation’s overall mission to support basic research in anthropology and to ensure that the discipline continues to be a source of vibrant and significant work that furthers our understanding of humanity’s cultural and biological origins, development, and variation. The Foundation particularly welcomes proposals that employ a comparative perspective, can generate innovative approaches or ideas, and/or integrate two or more subfields.
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