Spring 2024

Conversations in Polarized Societies

Mo Asumang, Documentary Filmmaker and Activist

Please join us for a special film screening and  lunchtime conversation with director Mo Asumang about her work to combat racism and facilitate understanding across divides.

Sunday, September 15, 2024
special film screening
10:00am, Cinestudio
(If you miss the screening, click here to watch the film)

 Monday, September 16, 2024
 Dialogue Luncheon with Mo Asumang
12:00pm–1:30pm,  Mather Hall – Wean Terrace Rooms BC

This is open to the public and lunch will be provided.

Sponsored by: German Studies at Trinity, Language and Culture Studies, The Faculty Event Fund, The First-Year Program, The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, The Dean of Students Office, American Studies, Trinity Social Justice Initiative, Women and Gender Resource Center Action Center, Sociology