Announcement posted by Bhumika Choudhary ’18

Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Awards Grant to Trinity College to Plan a Convening of Women of Color Leaders

The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has awarded Trinity College a grant of $114,000 to support the planning of a convening of women of color (WOC) leaders in higher education and other sectors. The funding will be used over approximately 16 months, culminating in a meeting of WOC leaders expected to take place in January 2021. Trinity President Joanne Berger-Sweeney will serve as the principal investigator for this project.

Hartford posted by Andrew J. Concatelli

Trinity Students Hear Stories from Seth Meyers during Conversation at Connecticut Forum

Several Trinity College students had the opportunity to attend the first event of The Connecticut Forum’s 2019-2020 season, “A Conversation with Seth Meyers,” held September 20 at The Bushnell Center for the Performing Arts in downtown Hartford. Trinity is among the Forum’s Education Partners, which support open dialogue, lifelong learning, and the free and active exchange of ideas.

Announcement posted by Andrew J. Concatelli

Trinity College and Hartford Public Schools Expand Partnership

The start of the school year marked the start of plans for an expanded Early College program at the Hartford Magnet Trinity College Academy (HMTCA), thanks to a new 10-year partnership agreement between Hartford Public Schools and Trinity College.

Trinity Community posted by Bhumika Choudhary ’18

President’s Convocation Begins 196th Academic Year at Trinity College

The President’s Convocation marked the official beginning of the 196th academic year at Trinity College. President Joanne Berger-Sweeney noted that the members of the Class of 2023 will graduate during the year of the college’s 200th anniversary.

Trinity Community posted by Andrew J. Concatelli

Trinity College Welcomes the Class of 2023

Trinity is welcoming more than 600 new students, including 582 first-year students in the Class of 2023, 17 transfer students, and nine new Individualized Degree Program (IDP) students. “Our college community is ecstatic to welcome all of our new students and their families,” said Trinity College President Joanne Berger-Sweeney.

Announcement posted

Trinity Professor Susan A. Masino Co-Authors Report on ‘Proforestation’

Susan A. Masino, the Vernon Roosa Professor of Applied Science at Trinity College and currently a Charles Bullard Fellow at Harvard Forest, has co-authored a paper that singles out “proforestation” – growing existing natural forests – as key to addressing the accelerating global crises in climate and biodiversity.