’Tis the Season for a Good Book
Winter is the perfect time to curl up and catch up on one’s reading, so we asked members of the Trinity community for recommendations.
Winter is the perfect time to curl up and catch up on one’s reading, so we asked members of the Trinity community for recommendations.
Professors Include the Musical in Coursework and Explore Trinity’s Connections to the Revolution as Hamilton comes to the Bushnell
U.S. Supreme Court biographer offers insights on ‘Covering and Uncovering the Roberts Supreme Court’ during lecture at Trinity
There are no limitations to learning at Trinity College, even when the subject being studied is halfway around the world.
The Trinity College Chapel recently unveiled a new memorial to those interred in the Chapel garden.
Trinity College students taking courses in computer science were among the audience members at the latest Connecticut Forum event, “Big Tech – What is the Future We’re Building?” The event brought together a panel of three experts to discuss the future of technology at Hartford’s Bushnell Center for the Performing Arts on November 16.
Students from six colleges and universities presented original scholarly work
Shutout Win At Wesleyan
Trinity Students Recognized for Outstanding Work in Their Respective Majors
First-year students in Cities Gateway Program get an introduction to Trinity’s home city