Task Force on the Prevention of Sexual Misconduct Update
November 12, 2014
Dear Members of the Trinity Community,
The Task Force on the Prevention of Sexual Misconduct has been fully constituted and will hold its first meeting on Tuesday, November 25th. This task force will spearhead Trinity’s initiative to assess and improve our policies, procedures and training for preventing and responding to sexual misconduct, with the goals of preventing sexual misconduct, encouraging reports of such incidents, improving our response to reports of misconduct, and complying with federal state laws and best practices. By “sexual misconduct” I mean sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault, intimate partner violence, stalking, gender identity violence, and all forms of sexual and gender violence. One of the first tasks before the group will be to review and recommend effective practices for investigating and adjudicating complaints that ensure that both accuser and accused receive support and fair treatment at all stages of the process.
As announced earlier, I will chair the task force. Other members include Lara Abiona ’16, Fred Alford, who has recently retired as Dean of Students, David Andres, Special Assistant to the President, Elliott Barron ’15, Christopher Card, Interim Dean of Students, Greg Convertito ’16, Beth Iacampo, Director of Human Resources, Mary Jo Keating, Secretary of the College and Vice President for College Relations, Laura Lockwood, Director, Women and Gender Resource Action Center, Robert Lukaskiewicz, Associate Dean of Students, Ana Medina ’16, Tom Mitzel, Dean of the Faculty and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Paul Mutone, Vice President for Finance and Operations and Treasurer, Francisco Ortiz, Director of Campus Safety, John Platoff, Professor of Music, Katharine Power, Associate Professor of Theater and Dance, Mike Renwick, Director of Athletics, Karla Spurlock-Evans, Dean of Multicultural Affairs, Senior Diversity Officer, and Title IX Coordinator, and Maurice Wade, Professor of Philosophy.
We will continue to share with you our progress in addressing this critical issue.
Joanne Berger-Sweeney
Trinity College Professor in Neuroscience