Student quote in ‘Last Words’

I was dismayed that the Reporter chose to repeat what Maliah Ryan ’25 wrote in a letter to The Hartford Courant as something reflecting current student thought.

Her call for youth to “vote as a bloc” represents the epitome of “groupthink,” submission to peer pressure, and the rejection of free thought and expression. My impression has been that the liberal arts exist to promote intellectual exploration and independent analysis. Promoting diversity of complexion, ethnicity, and sexual identity isn’t worth much if accompanied by a rejection of diversity in outlook and belief.

Jan C. Gimar ’73
Hutchinson, Kansas

Memories etched in stone

I feel compelled to share my gratitude for The Trinity Reporter, especially the winter 2024 issue. My father, Theodore R. Blakeslee II, was an associate professor in engineering and computer science. I have so many fond memories of Trinity, from many moments in Hallden, eating lunch at the Cave or Faculty Dining Hall, attending football games while my dad sold tickets, walking along the Long Walk, doing research for high school projects at the library, attending graduations ’neath the elms, and spreading a blanket in that spot to enjoy carillon concerts. Sadly, both my parents’ funerals (Virginia A. Blakeslee) were in the Chapel, but those services were special because we were surrounded by so many friends and family and memories.

Back to the Reporter, I was particularly fascinated by “Etched in Stone” by Eliott Grover. We almost always went to Trinity up the hill formed by those very rocks. I took the hill for granted, maybe occasionally wondering why Trinity’s landscape was so different. Now I know!

I always appreciate and enjoy reading the varied articles and memories shared by alumni. I was touched by the published entries regarding “What is your favorite place on campus?” That prompted me to share mine with you, above.

Thank you again for all you do and for bringing me joy.

Meg (Marguerite) Blakeslee Summey
Burlington, North Carolina

Ferris flashbacks

I hope this finds you well. It was phenomenal to see a picture of the Ferris weight room on the back cover of the latest Reporter. I spent many, many hours in that exercise room while a student from 1989–93. It was aesthetically abysmal, but it was what was available. When I think about the facilities available on college campuses now, it makes me laugh. Palaces!

Creator: Unknown; Date: 1988

I have many memories from that exercise room. Meeting classmates who would later become roommates. Equipment breaking. I used to bring a boom box (yup, that was a thing), and I remember the music we would play . . . on cassette tapes! Employees and, I believe, community members could use the room, and I remember making friends with some of them. One of them brought an amazing contraption that he could hang over a pull-up bar and do upside-down crunches. It was pretty colorful in there. Never expected to see a photo of the place.

My other favorite memory from Ferris is my Class of 1993 classmates and I acted as the practice squad for the women’s basketball team. I don’t remember everyone, but I know Josh Bruno, Mike Giardi, and Tim Richman were on this practice squad with me. It was a lot of fun. I am not sure how much better we made them at the game of basketball, but we appreciated the chance to try.

Thanks for the chance to reminisce.

Justin Grigg ’93
Alfred, New York

Editor’s note: We received several emails identifying the two students in the Ferris Athletic Center photo on the back cover of the spring 2024 issue. Interestingly, though, we received six different IDs for the two subjects, sparking a bit of a fun mystery. After confirming with multiple people, we’ve determined that Eric Holtzman ’92 correctly identified the individuals as Anne Weeks ’92 and Miriam Wolfe “Mimi” Strouse ’92. He writes, “I knew instantly. Anne is one of my dearest friends from Trinity, and I’d know a pic of her anywhere. And while I can’t recall what I had for lunch just yesterday, I know Anne and Mimi would work out together 36 years ago—LOL.”

Get in touch! The Trinity Reporter welcomes letters related to items published in recent issues. Please send remarks to the editor at [email protected] or Sonya Storch Adams, Office of Communications and Marketing, Trinity College, 300 Summit Street, Hartford, CT 06106.