“Prospective memory is a skill that can be practiced, making it more likely that someone can remember an appointment or meet a deadline.”
Sarah Raskin, Charles A. Dana Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience, on improving memory; Scientific American, June 9, 2024

“To borrow a quote from another time and context, polarization is ‘like the bubble in a carpenter’s level.’ If the bubble veers too far to either side, something is askew.”
Kevin McMahon, John R. Reitemeyer Professor of Political Science, on polarization in politics; The Conversation, June 24, 2024

“In 2018, my high school, Marjory Stoneman Douglas, experienced a horrific tragedy in the form of a school shooting. Since then, I have helped co-found a nonprofit organization called ShineMSD designed to help individuals heal from traumatic events through the arts and music therapy.”
Alex Moscou ’24, on corporate social responsibility; CT Mirror, May 30, 2024

“For an industry that is trying to become more inclusive, having a frank view of history is a necessary step.”
Jennifer Regan-Lefebvre, professor of history, on the history of wine; New Pittsburgh Courier, July 13, 2024

“For today’s college students, their first or second job may not even exist yet. Employers want to hire people who know how to think, and I believe that Trinity students know how to think because of our curriculum. What our students are doing post-Trinity is a testament to that.”
–  Joe Catrino, executive director of career and life design, on the first-destinations survey of 2023 Trinity graduates; www.trincoll.edu, May 2, 2024

“A friend ‘congratulated me on being indicted. I said that’s not quite the word.’ ”
–  Michael Beautyman ’69, on his recent induction into the New England Tennis Hall of Fame; The Palm Beach Post, June 15, 2024

“Our perspectives and opinions are significantly shaped by our media diet, reflecting the power of news and information to influence our understanding of the world.”
Jorge Espinoza-Gonzalez ’26, on media consumption habits; CT Mirror, May 10, 2024