Multidisciplinary Approaches to Climate Emergency
Climate change is an existential crisis for humanity, and any solutions to the problems it poses must necessarily be multidisciplinary, drawing on expertise not just in multiple fields but in multiple modes of thinking. This certificate consists of 2 academic credits earned in climate-related coursework representing two different divisions (i.e., arts, humanities, natural sciences, social sciences) and a co-curricular credit earned through experiential work related to the climate emergency. Completion of the certificate will prepare you for future work related to climate but for informed, engaged citizenship.
Please consult with the certificate advisors about additional options for courses, internships, and research opportunities.
Credits 1 and 2:
ENGL 338. Beyond Nature Worship: New Theories of Environmentalism
ENGL 360. Walden (*provided a significant portion of this student-directed research course is related to climate change)
HISP 346. Antarctica: Culture and Crisis
HIST 219. Planet Earth: Past, Present and Future
HIST 220. Possible Earths: Histories and Cultures of Environmental Thought
HIST 367. Climate and History
LACS 215. Reading Climate: Lit to Action
LACS 229. Desert Fantasies
RELG 203. Religion and Climate Change
Natural Sciences
BIOL 234. Global Change, Evolution and Biodiversity
BIOL 333. Ecology
ENGR 108. The Science and Policies of Energy and Sustainability
ENVS 110. The Earth’s Climate
Social Sciences
ANTH 227. Introduction to Political Ecology
ECON 317. Developmental Economics
ECON 336. The Market for Green Goods
INTS 263/POLS 263. Global Environmental Politics
POLS 324. Environmental Issues in International Relations
POLS 332/HRST 332 . Understanding Civil Conflict
PSYC 206. Environmental Psychology and Sustainability
PSYC 212/URST 212. Landscape Planning and Environmental Education for Brain Health
SOCL 225. Climate Justice
SOCL 245. Environmental Sociology
Credit 3:
Research (during the semester or summer) with a faculty member whose research is relevant to climate change
An internship related to climate sustainability
TA-ship for one of the courses listed above, as long as it is not the same as the courses used to fulfill credits 1 and 2
For more information, students should contact Professor Michelle Kovarik or Professor Johannes Evelein.