Join Our Team

Interested in becoming a Subject-Based Peer Tutor? Peer Tutors reinforce study strategies, promote independent learning, and model positive constructive academic behaviors for students.

Requirements to Become a Subject-Based Peer Tutor

  • Must be in good academic and social standing
  • Must have at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA
  • Must have achieved mastery in the subject(s) you wish to tutor
  • Be dependable, organized, respectful, friendly, patient, understanding and compassionate

Resources for our tutors

  • Ask the student what they want to get out of the tutoring sessions
  • Make sure you have a consensus on the goals for the tutoring sessions and can meet the needs of the student
  • Discuss with the student if they have connected with their professor or TA about how they should work with you
  • Clarify the best contact information for both of you – WCONLINE/Email

Complete the SBTC Session Survey

  1. Date and time of your tutoring session
  2. Student(s) name
  3. Notes about what you discussed
  4. Concepts
  5. Example problem sources
  6. Notes to the SBTC team about what resources you need to be a successful tutor


  1. Time management​
  2. Productivity vs procrastination​
  3. Developing your support system​
  4. Organization skill development​
  5. Planning, prioritizing, and goal setting
  • Please feel free to refer students to the Career and Life Design Center if you believe that Life Coaching would be advantageous to them!
  • You can contact Roberta Rogers for more information at [email protected]

If a student seems to be experiencing problems, which you feel are not covered by the kind of course content instruction that you can provide, please contact the SBTC leadership for assistance.