DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: Friday, March 28, by Noon
See below for further instructions.

Are you planning to study away or participate in an archaeological project over the summer?
Do you plan to attend a program where you will study the ancient Mediterranean world?
Have you taken a Classical Studies course this year or last year?
Enter this year’s Classical Studies prize competitions!

Questions? Contact Martha Risser, Chair of Classical Studies  

Prizes for pursuing Classical Studies through study away during summer & J-Term. These prizes provide financial support for study away during J-Term or summer sessions. Prizes are awarded based on essay contests in which competitors for a given prize all respond to the same prompt.

To be eligible, a student must have completed at least one Classical Studies Department course within the past two years. We will happily consult with students concerning where to study, including Trinity-run sites and other well-regarded programs. Winners may put this money toward approved credit-bearing summer courses or toward shorter, less formal enrichment programs.

• Essays shall be 500-1000 words. To ensure anonymity, do NOT put your name on your essay.
• Send your essay as a PDF attachment via email to [email protected].
Fill out the attached 2025-CLAS-Prize-Essay-Cover-sheet and include that as an attachment to the same email.
• The submission deadline is Friday, March 28, 2025 by Noon. Work submitted after the deadline will not be considered.

• Williams Prizes in Summer Greek Language Study. For students who have demonstrated intent to continue studying ancient Greek at Trinity and want to improve their knowledge of Greek through summer coursework.

o Prize essay topic for 2025: Explain how studying the ancient Greek language has advanced your education. Pretend that you are talking to someone who doesn’t study or know ancient Greek.

• Goodwin Prizes in Ancient Greek Culture. For students who wish to engage in the study of ancient Greek culture beyond Trinity’s Hartford campus.

o Prize essay topic for 2025: Describe a specific encounter you had with an idea or artifact (including language or material culture) that sparked your realization of the impact that some aspect of ancient Greek culture has on the world today. How was this experience and realization meaningful to you?

• Notopoulos Prizes in Ancient Italian Culture.For students who wish to engage in the study of ancient Italian culture beyond Trinity’s Hartford campus.

o Prize essay topic for 2025: Describe a specific encounter you had with an idea or artifact (including language or material culture) that sparked your realization of the impact that some aspect of ancient Roman or Italic culture has on the world today. How was this experience and realization meaningful to you?

The fine print: If the student does not undertake the proposed program within one year, the prize’s value reverts to the endowed fund.