Learn about the Amazon, its social and environmental realities, and how we could build a future in which it does not burn down. First year students welcome.

New Fall Class: Amazonia on Fire (INTS 377)
Learn about the Amazon, its social and environmental realities, and how we could build a future in which it does not burn down. First year students welcome.

Offered Fall 2024
MW: 11:30AM-12:45PM

Meets the global engagement requirement

Instructor: Giancarlo Rolando

Amazonia is critical for human survival and its conservation occupies a preeminent role in global development and environmental agendas. However, the region remains a contested space where conflicting views of development and the good life frequently clash. This class will introduce students to Amazonia and the successive waves of extractive industries that have targeted and reconfigured the region, ranging from rubber and timber to agribusiness and environmental conservation. We will explore how Indigenous resistance movements have responded to these settler interventions and imagine together a future in which Amazonia does not burn down.