We’ve gathered together some common questions about Venture. Read below to find the answers.

Apply using the link on the Venture program’s main page. The application deadline is July 31, 2022.
Acceptance notifications are sent out within a week and a half of the application deadline. All communication is made through your Trinity email account. If you are accepted then we will send you a link so that you can confirm whether or not you will be able to come.
Venture can accommodate no more than 30 students in each incoming class. We rely in large part on your responses to the questions in the application to help us make acceptance decisions.
No previous leadership experience is necessary

The Venture Program
The Venture dress code is business casual. This means dresses, skirts (appropriate length please) or dress pants and casual footwear (no flip flops). For one activity you will need shorts/t-shirt and non-marking sneakers (white soles).
Yes! The room you move into at the start of Venture is your dorm room.
No, you cannot arrive early, before the start date of the program. Move-in is on Monday, and we will have some students available to help you, starting in the early morning.
There will be a brief reception in the late afternoon on Monday for both participants and their families. Then it will be time to say goodbye as our program gets underway. The Venture program itself is for participants only.

Coordinating with other programs
Yes, you can participate in one of the Quest programs. We will help you coordinate this.
You will need to remain with the Venture program throughout the duration of Venture. We coordinate with the International Program so that any events that you miss will be made up at a different time.

Venture during the academic year
Yes. The occasional dinner or study break keep Venture students in touch with one another throughout their first year. Mentors may coordinate additional activities.

More about the program
The Venture Organizing Team: The Venture program is designed, organized, and run by a small, dedicated group of women faculty, administrators, and coaches with a diverse range of backgrounds and leadership experiences.
Student Leaders – Venture Mentors and Senior Mentors: Every fall some of the previous year’s Venture participants are invited to return as mentors, and take on leadership responsibilities in running the program. Mentors have the opportunity to return once again, as Senior Mentors, with additional responsibilities. Mentors and Senior Mentors are an integral part of the program, helping each new class of Venture women begin their college careers. Next year this might be you!
Contact: Katy Dissinger, Assistant Professor of Physical Education and Head Women’s Lacrosse, Physical Education
Email: [email protected]
Office: 860-297-4140