We are a small college and proud of it. No matter where you go on our campus, it will feel familiar. We have just over 2,000 undergraduates, and over 90% of them live on campus, so friendly faces are never far away.

Though we’re close-knit, this campus also has room to pursue diverse interests. We have over 140 student clubs and organizations, all spearheaded by students like you. We have music festivals, movies, concerts, lectures, parties, student government meetings, a cappella practice, mock trials, art shows, and almost every type of athletic event you can imagine. And when you leave campus, Hartford has farmers’ markets, shopping, concerts, theater shows, food, music, an incredible science center, and the oldest public art museum in the country.


Life on Campus

Trinity offers a realm of possibility that ​awaits students in their four years on campus. However, it is the student who seeks out and takes hold of these possibilities that contributes most to the community and receives the most personal satisfaction.


Life in Hartford

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Life Around the World

We stand in the city of Hartford, the capital of Connecticut. But our interest in cities reaches far beyond our hometown. We offer research opportunities, study abroad, community service, and internships to help you explore cities in ways educational, interesting, and profound.

Coffee has the opportunity to do a lot of good. Hartford has a lot of positive momentum.

Michael Acosta ‘13

The Bantam Network

Though students take the lead on our campus, you’ll also have a strong network of support. We have resources to help you navigate whatever challenges you face, especially in your first year.