
Here’s your new site’s list of structured templates: select a template to learn more about how and when to use it most effectively.


Homepage Components

Emergency Alert

Purpose: Used to communicate emergency notifications such as school closings. Format: Text and simple HTML field (basic URL hyperlinks) that is hidden until enabled.

Main Feature/Brand Statement

Purpose: High-impact brand positioning Format: Image or video and short text statement (includes pause button for when atmospheric video is used)

Academic Major/Program Preview

Purpose: Allow browsing, searching, and filtering of academic majors directly from the homepage. The data used here is not programmatically linked to the Academic Program Template.

Format: - List of all individual majors - List in alphabetical order - Filter by Area of Study - see our recommended categories. - Search by keyword, using default WP search parameters (Post Title and Post Content)

Each individual academic major preview includes: - Major Title (required) - Degree Granted (required) - Image (required) - Video (Vimeo URL or YouTube URL, optional). When video included, clicking image will then render video. - Blurb (Post Content Plain Text, required) - Learn More (Link URL to program page, required)

Story (People, Places, Pride) Preview

Purpose: Allow browsing and exploration of People, Places, and Pride storytelling sections. This preview component is flexible enough to serve all three. Format: - Fixed section header

Each fixed section header (e.g. people) includes: - Title (required) - Subtitle (required) - Full size Image (if there are no call to action links) or - Half-size image (if there are call to action links) and - 1-3 call to action links (optional)

  • Category (People, Places, Pride)
  • List of story previews > Each individual story preview includes:
  • Title (required)
  • Subhead (optional)
  • Image (required)
  • Video (Vimeo URL or YouTube URL, optional)
  • Pullquote (optional)
  • Read more link (optional)

News Preview

Purpose: Featured news item on the homepage. Format: - Section title - View all news link. One Article will display chosen by content editor from a list of News Items (list is automatically generated by the custom-post type)
- Featured news item

Includes: - Headline required - Subhead required - Image optional - URL to full article required Full news on news detail template

Event Preview

Purpose: Featured events (two) on the home page. Two events are required. Format: - Section title - View all events link. The two next upcoming Events to be pulled automatically by category from LiveWhale

Featured events items include: - Month / Date / Year (required) - Title (required) - Time (optional, abbreviated single or range: 2 p.m. or 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.) - Location (optional) - URL Link (required, points to full event item on LiveWhale)

Important Now

Purpose: Allow browsing and exploration of timely seasonal resources (e.g. summer term). It belongs to the Full Width component set.

Format: - Section title - Short seasonal message - List of 2-4 manually curated resources.

Each individual important now resources includes: - Resource Title - Image - Description - URL link to full resource page housed on either master subpage or landing page template

Academic Program

Template Guidelines

We want to be prospect and program-first, and that means creating a dedicated space for each program to shine. The model below outlines the sections that we recommend as minimum for a viable academic program page as well as optional sections that can be added if content is available. The overarching goal here should be to convince students that a particular area of study is interesting, that Trinity is the best place to study it, that you can get a great job after you’re done with the program—and then to back those core points up with strong supplemental content.

The model flexes between the minimum inclusion of those core points and the maximum inclusion of several pieces of supplemental content, which should help with content production efforts—it is built to flex with what content is available.

Minimum content model & sequence

  1. Why study <area of study> at Trinity? Summarizes the field, why someone would want to be a part of it, and why studying this subject at Trinity is amazing. Use WYSIWYG styles for large type introductory text followed by normal size supporting paragraphs

  2. Proof Points: use Stat/Fact component to include proof points such as graduation rates, faculty/staff ratios, program accolades

  3. Careers: use link set component to include lists of jobs and companies that alumni have gotten

  4. Program contact information: use contact information component for primary contact

Maximum content model & sequence

  1. Why study <area of study> at Trinity? Summarizes the field, why someone would want to be a part of it, and why studying this subject at Trinity is amazing. Use WYSIWYG styles for large type introductory text followed by normal size supporting paragraphs

  2. Proof Points: use stat/fact component to include proof points such as graduation rates, faculty/staff ratios, program accolades

  3. Careers: use link set component to include lists of jobs and companies that alumni have gotten

  4. Faculty: use a topic row component to link to the faculty listing

  5. Supplemental storytelling: use testimonials or stories featuring current students or alumni of program that prove and support the points made above.

  6. Application requirements: use a topic row to link to a dedicated requirements page

  7. Program contact information: use contact information component for primary contact


Template Guidelines

Landing pages serve as messaging, wayfinding and previewing tools—they are meant to provide messaging for top-level themes and larger website sections, as well as direction and context for the information contained within those sections.

Each landing page should include brief intro text that should be used for brand positioning and differentiation in the context of the section. This is an opportunity to state at a high level what sets Trinity apart - from the vantage point of admissions, academics, and so on.

The landing page represents the homepage for a large section or department on the Trinity website. Use topic rows to focus on a single sub-section. Each topic row title should match the page title used in the IA so that users can quickly surmise that they are working with the same structure. The landing page subsections should map in title and order to the sectional navigation. Ideally, each major sub-section should be represented by a topic row; though a good rule for an upper limit is around 6—if there are more you may want to consider only including the top ones. For example, the admissions landing page should present subsections for each of the children sections: Undergraduate Admissions, Transfer Admissions, International Admissions, etc. The academics landing page would have a topic row for majors & minors, graduate programs, and so on.

Stories supplement a landing page by allowing you to share a proof point for how that section of the website delivers on Trinity’s brand promises using either a testimonial, photo, or video.

Lastly, the Important Now section gives you the option to include timely and relevant links to deeper parts of the section that visitors have top of mind (or should have) at this point in time. The example we’ve discussed is related to the admissions calendar, but it can be applied to any department or unit that has content that shifts in priority depending upon the time of year.

Minimum content model & sequence

  1. Page Title
  2. Intro Text describing the primary purpose of the section in one or two sentences.
  3. Topic Row previewing an individual sub-section.
  4. Topic Row previewing an individual sub-section.
  5. Topic Row previewing an individual sub-section.
  6. Contact Information for the section’s primary point of contact.

Maximum content model & sequence

  1. Page Title
  2. Intro Text describing the primary purpose of the section in one or two sentences.
  3. WYSIWYG Text with no more than one paragraph of supporting points for the intro text.
  4. Topic Row previewing an individual sub-section.
  5. Topic Row previewing an individual sub-section.
  6. Topic Row previewing an individual sub-section.
  7. Topic Row previewing an individual sub-section.
  8. Topic Row previewing an individual sub-section.
  9. Topic Row previewing an individual sub-section.
  10. Story tied in to the section as a whole. This could include a testimonial about how a service based department helped someone with their needs, a profile of the individual who leads the department or unit, or a video version of either of the above.
  11. Important Now tied to time-sensitive items from the section.
  12. Contact Information for the section’s primary point of contact.

News Listing

The News listing page is generated from the latest news detail items to be added to the system, and can be filtered by topic or searched by keyword.

There isn't anything that can be editorially controlled here.